The "finally" parts seems to be a trend with the calendars...every year. This year I thought I was really on top of the game. Postage had gone up yet again, so I steeled myself to try and send as many First Class as I could this year and ordered two cases of plain padded mailers. I took some test calendars to the post office earlier this week...
Several years ago Tim had an "old" printer that did a really nice job printing the photo cards and calendars. It was obsolete though and they stopped servicing it so he had to get a new machine. I, of course, liked the old machine better. I thought the quality of the photos last year wasn't as good with the new "improved" machine.
This year Tim experimented with some different styles of paper. There are probably as many different papers as there are different breeds of sheep. Different types, weights, finishes, coatings... This year's calendars are printed using a matte finish, clay coated paper. Don't ask me to explain a clay coated paper; I just know (now) that it's heavier. The calendars look very nice though and that's the important part :-).
The 2018 Farm and Lamb Camp calendars!
This might be my all time favorite Buddy picture. There's so much "Buddy" here - is messy wool, his big mouth yelling at me, his ear fuzz curls (my favorite part of Buddy) with one ear forward and one ear back. The quintessential Buddy portrait.
The almost quintessential Comby picture. "Well, at least I'm not asleep this year."
Lots of Hank this year.
And Biscuit.
And Muffin, Mrs. Pepperpot, B. Willard, Hickory and T-Bone and Maisie (of course ;-).
The lambs in the Lamb Camp calendars are as sweet as ever.
Make your teeth hurt sweet ;-).
Leaping lambs.
Sleeping lambs.
And even a Christmas lamb.
* * * * *
We'll do it basically like we do every year. Equinox Farm calendars are still $12.50 each and the Lamb Camp calendars are $10.00. Shipping (to the US) will run anywhere from $4.50 to $7.20 depending on weight and distance. Shipping overseas is usually not as expensive as I fear. I'm happy to get a quote for you. Likewise for Canada.
If you'd like to order one (or more), just send me an email with what you'd like and your shipping address. I'll send everything out with an invoice and a return envelope and you can just drop a check in the mail upon receipt. Checks are preferred, but we can also handle credit cards if that's easiest.
There are also Lamb Camp note cards, Christmas cards, drop spindle kits, Biscuit and Muffin ornaments, Maisie Orneries, Mug Shot mugs, My Favorite Sheep canvas totes, a little the Farm Shop if you are interested. And there are also have two cases of padded mailers in case anyone needs to ship a bunch of lightweight items ;-).
As always, we truly thank you for your support. Your purchases help pay for hay, grain, bedding, shearing, vet bills...and even cookies ;-).
As always, we truly thank you for your support. Your purchases help pay for hay, grain, bedding, shearing, vet bills...and even cookies ;-).
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One person who won't need to purchase a calendar is Karen B. She won the calendar from 20's giveaway earlier this week :-). Drop me an email with your address and I'll get that shipped right out. Depending on where you live, I might even get to use one of the plain mailers ;-D.