Showing posts with label farm feature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farm feature. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Postcard From The Farm

Remember those great Postcards From Nebraska on CBS Sunday Morning? I just googled that and it looks like RFD-TV has bought the rights and is showing them again! Now I just have to remember to watch.

Here's a postcard from the farm - similar to those great pieces, but without the excellent cinematography, narration... ;-)

I'm standing next to the wet weather creek, which you can hear if you turn your sound up. You'll see Keebler walking across the top, heading over to the now boarded up chicken coop. Boarded up because he and Graham Lamb figured out there was chicken feed in there and it apparently must be like sheep cocaine or something. Boys. That's Jester eating in the foreground and Crazy Esther in the background. And of course Hank. Always on duty.

I always shrink the video format size down so it "lines up with my text". This makes the video a bit small though. If you'd like to see it in regular youtube size, here is a link.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Feature - The Honey Factory

I'm going to try to post a weekly one minute farm video. There are many beautiful, yet simple, scenes in each of our lives, no matter where we are. We just have to take that one minute and pay attention. I hope you enjoy your minutes at Equinox Farm.

One of our honey bees working in a clover patch on the farm.

A close up of the factory.

I tried to get a quick inside tour, but when they say bees get cranky when it's hot, they ain't foolin'.

I apologize for the video quality. Looks like some new camera toys are required ;-).


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