Short Round only came here because I wanted something good to come out of sweet little Early's short life.
There had been a screw up in the lambing shed the day Early was born and Kathy thought Short Round was only going to have one lamb so she grafted a triplet from another ewe onto her. She was headed to the other farm when I pulled in later in the morning and she told me to keep an eye on the adoption, but that she thought it looked good.
I made my rounds of the lambing jugs and when I got around to the grafting pen there were three lambs in there. Okay, I must have gotten confused, so I checked the other jug pens again. Nope, I had been at the right pen. At least four hours after she'd had her first lamb, Short Round had a second lamb...and now she had three lambs :-o.
Early wasn't in the best of shape, but we finally got him squared away as best we could and I brought him home with me that night. I don't fault Short Round for not getting him up and going better on her own. She would have under normal conditions. She was a good mother and always raised good lambs. She could count to two though and she knew she was already taking care of two lambs so I'm sure she just did not understand what had happened.
Early was a delight in every way. He was cute and smart and funny and just a corker. Once I got to know Short Round I realized she was where he'd gotten his big personality. She's a delight as well and has become one of my all time favorite sheep.
Since we're including treat information about each sheep I'll tell you first that the old flock ewes don't really know anything about cookies and crackers. They are not pets and they don't really care to be pets. Short Round and her daughter Ellie hopped off the trailer when they got here the next year and she took one look around and said "No problem, I can be a pet sheep. Whatchu got in the way of treats, lady?"
Short Round will eat anything. I mean anything. I think if I handed her a Big Mac, she'd eat it. I've never seen anything like it :-D. One of her favorite treats is bananas. I'd like to think B. Willard taught her to eat those, but I have a feeling she'd have figured it out on her own. She also likes oranges and she loves pumpkins too, but seriously, she'll eat anything you hand her.