Showing posts with label spring peepers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring peepers. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Good Night

My favorite time of day tends to be evening.  I love stopping to watch the sheep and chickens head in for the night, all the birds looking for a spot to sleep and, unless you're a bat, the feeling of settling in for the night.  The bats aren't here yet, but I doubt they are far away.

The day is done.  A good day or not, there's comfort in knowing we've all made it through another one.  I think that's part of the attraction of fall.  Knowing I made it through another summer.  It's time to settle in for the winter.

While spring is not my favorite season, there are a few things I really do enjoy.  Hearing the spring peepers in the Frog Pond might be my favorite.



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