The first part of the week was still a struggle mostly due to dealing with the weather, worrying about the weather, being beat down from dealing with and worrying about the weather. It started warming up during the days some, but stayed cold at night. We all took advantage of the sun when we could.
Jared and Short Round have been sweet for a couple of years now. Remember when Jared lost Rocky and
she sat out with him in the yard? They are often seen together, but I've never seen him cuddle up and rest his head on her. He was tired and still a little beat down by the weather and I was so glad to see him get some comfort from a friend.
You'll have to zoom in to see the bird gathering up stray locks of wool leftover from shearing. Spring is here...even when it doesn't feel like it.
This video of everyone heading out one morning was fun.
And on one warm afternoon even Betsy came up to the barn for a bit. I enjoyed sitting out with everyone for awhile and got a few rows of knitting in. I love to knit in the barn. I'm still mushing.
This is an interesting picture and not just because the barn wall is reflecting green...surely not from the grass outside (?). At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this was again a weather feature. Look how many sheep are standing in the outside shed and how few can be seen in the inside stall.
The wind was blasting from the south, the back end of the barn. I had all the doors pulled closed, but left an opening in the door on the inside stall so they could still go out and get a drink and if anyone wanted to brave some grazing. That opening was enough to drive everyone to the closed off side.
Wind from the south sounds warm, but it always feels extra cold to me...and it looks like to the sheep and chickens as well.
I have always suspected that if Murphy stopped leading everyone out, Krista would take over. She's not going to put up with his nonsense and headed out to get busy that morning. Her kids weren't far behind her and when Murphy realized everyone was leaving without him, he ran to catch up and take back the lead.
For a couple of days Pinto decided he'd like to settle down and tie the knot. He got sweet on Muffin after shearing and stayed pretty infatuated for awhile, not letting her out of his sight and making sure no one got too close to her...including Biscuit :-/.
Muffin put up with it for several days and then I noticed her walk away with Biscuit once morning and Pinto just kept eating and didn't seem to care. I wonder how that all got decided. I never saw any fighting between the boys, so I'd like to think Muffin took care of it ;-).
When Maisie gets cold she stands in the skirting area surrounded by bags of wool. She's so clever. That's also how I've been deciding if she needs to warm her puffy coat each night. Sleeping in the straw with your friends has to be so much more comfortable than standing up by yourself. She happily kits up. Last night was the first night she didn't need her coat.
This was a fun new addition to the family and will be a funny story to share heading into the new week, so stay tuned :-).
* * * * *
The week ended on a much better note and I feel like things are getting back to "normal" finally. Frankie and I have started back to work...just in time for a week of heavy rain predicted. I'm hoping I don't lose my momentum outside and can instead focus on some inside jobs on the deluge days.
I'm really tired of complaining about the weather.