While spring lambing is still a few months away, we just had some surprise Christmas lambs in the Wool House!
I noticed this ewe standing off to herself, which is always a promising sign.
So I did a little check...
...and sure enough, we had lambs coming! Looked like just a head and no feet, so I had to help her a little bit ;-). You would much rather see two front feet coming first and facing the right direction with a nose showing just behind, but it all worked out and she had two healthy lambs.
Next you do an udder check to make sure everything is working properly (but you don't need to sit them up to do that unless you are trying to take a picture ;-).
I saw the pattern for this adorable ewe and lambs and decided I would learn to crochet so I could make them for Sheepmom for Christmas. That was harder than I'd hoped, but a fun challenge for the end of the year. I love tricking myself into learning new things and I had some excellent virtual help along the way, both in online tutorials and a crochet friend who was willing to answer the phone at all hours of the day :-).
I used leftover Rebecca Boone yarn and I dyed some of it to make the dark face and legs and pink udder. The white lamb was made from her cousin Woolliam. Both Rebecca Boone and Woolliam were born at Nistock Farms. I wish Rebecca Boone had had some lambs in real life. She'd have been an amazing momma :-).