If you remember from the Blaze combing post, I lash some locks to my stationary comb and use the loose comb to transfer the combed locks from one back to the other and them pull off the combed "top". It's slow going, but you can't beat that prep.
Friday, July 28, 2023
Big Moose - The Cliff Notes
Thursday, July 27, 2023
2023 Tour De Fleece Wrap Up
The red is the yarn from Blaze, my friend's sheep. The dark gray is Tessa. The creamy white is Ellie.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
No Mow May
The men's race Tour de France/Fleece is over, but now we are spinning for the women's race. I'm using that as my "justification" for not having taken pictures of my yarn for a blog post yet. I will do it. In the meantime, one last gift from the camera card archives!
I'm not big on over mowing (even though it looks like it) and used the "No Mow May" campaign as my leverage to push Tim to not mow the back field this spring. I thought it would mostly be used and enjoyed by all the animals, but I enjoyed it at least as much as they did.
If you'd like to hang out in the meadow for a bit longer, here's a new puzzle.
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Old Friends And New Friends

Friday, July 21, 2023
No, this account has not been hacked. It's really me, posting three days in a row :-o.
I saw a beautiful goldfinch working the sunflowers this morning and did a quick grab with my camera. I didn't have enough time to think about my camera settings. It's not terrible and I'm glad to have it, but hopefully I'll get another chance.
In the meantime, here's a fun new puzzle.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Yarn Shots
...and...that's not what it looks like on my camera and computer and in real life.
Oh right, I'd forgotten that Blogger "auto enhances" our pictures to "improve" them. There is a way to turn that "feature" off, but it's fairly complicated and involves services I don't really use, so...whatever. Yeesh. I'll post the picture directly to IG and see what happens there.
Here's a picture of a smiling Wool House :-). This little fence has been used for way more than stopping chickens from digging up my flowers this summer. I love hanging yarn on it and it's perfect for drying towels and sheets as well.
The main Tour de France/Fleece is wrapping up this week, but there's still the women's race next week so our group is spinning on. So far I've spun Tessa, Blaze, Murphy, Muffin and Ellie. I'm counting Tessa even though she was technically a warm up spin.
If you've been spinning for the Tour, how's it been going?
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
What A Brain
I've been trying to take pictures of the B Garden all spring and summer and had yet to get even one that I'd liked. The B Garden has been Beautiful. So much color, so much depth, sooo many bees, some butterflies and a few birds...but none of the pictures ever captured any of that. I've been unhappy about it for Many Weeks.
Of course I was using my iPhone...that does take some really nice pictures...but when it doesn't, I have a tool that can fix that. I even set out it where I had to step over it to get in and out of the Wool House. I stepped over it for Several Weeks and then finally put it back away.
This morning I tried to take a picture of some yarn from the Tour de Fleece and could not get a picture that truly reflected the softness and the rich creamy color with just a hint of halo and shine. Even adjusting some settings on the phone didn't help...but I knew what would.
(blows dust off big girl camera)
Yep. Sure enough. That was the picture I was going for. The picture of Ellie's yarn...looked just like Ellie's yarn.
Hey, while you've got your head out of your... you have the camera out, why don't you go take some pictures of the B Garden!