Boudreaux loves to eat.

More than anything.

But he spent most of yesterday praying. That Caspar Belly (aka Spooky Tooth) would stop loving him and just leave him alone. She got a wild hair and harassed him all day. This is not the first time. Apparently she's always had a thing for Boudreaux.
Poor Boudreaux.

Doesn't he have the glazed look of a guy stuck at a cocktail party with the nosy neighbor who loves to get up in everyone's business (that would be Heidi)?

And Momma Emily is left all on her own. Very sad. You can see Caspar Belly looking over at her so she's at least thinking about what she's doing.

But she chooses love.
Boudreaux, you are so big and handsome I can always find you in a crowd.

And I put on lipstick and everything for you. Kiss me you fool.
Peabody can't bear to watch.
This lasted through the evening, but when the rain blew in and everyone moved inside, Boudreaux apparently made an escape. I found him all alone in the inside stall and Caspar Belly had reunited with her momma in the run in.
He loves it when his prayers are answered and he can eat in peace ;-).