Miss Ewenice - the only sheep out there who has a legitimate excuse for not liking dogs.First let me own up to not having a "normal" flock of sheep. We have old sheep and young sheep, wild sheep and couch potatoes, pet sheep and bottle lambs, outgoing and confident sheep, sheep that worry about things, sheep that don't, sheep that take care of other sheep, sheep that only take care of themselves, sheep that are smarter than me and some that we suspect have just as much wool inside their head as on top.
This is a flock that even a mature, well schooled, ready-to-go guardian dog would have trouble moving into. We knew that. We tried to explain it to Hank. We tried to explain it to Graham Lamb and Keebler. We've tried to explain it to the rest of the sheep. Wouldn't it be nice if we could do that? Just sit everyone down and have a meeting. Bring coffee and donuts. Maybe a dog bone. Hash it all out.
The way I wrote the sentences above explains the problem. "Hank", "GL and Keebs", the "rest of the sheep". In a nutshell, Keebler and GL, being bottle raised, aren't fitting in well with the rest of the sheep. Keebs is shy and gets his feelings hurt. GL, on the other hand, is not, but got in trouble by "trying a little too hard" to be friends with everyone. The rest of the sheep had never met a dog they liked, so weren't too excited to meet Hank.
So Hank found that the only sheep that did like him were the two boys. He was looking for a new family and they fit the bill. In my novice eyes, that seemed okay. By protecting them he was, by default, protecting everyone and I thought eventually they'd all figure it out and la-la-la, life would be happy. However, lately I've caught Hank protecting "his" sheep from the rest of the sheep. This is a problem. We are working on it and have help and I'm hopeful this story will have a happy ending, but tell that to a bunch of unhappy sheep.

I usually approach the "Hank has us penned in the little lot" problem by lecturing everyone about getting along and shooshing them past him into the big field. I'd heard Hank barking last night and went out to check and caught him yelling at them about something. He stopped, everything settled down and seemed fine and I went to back to the house. They hadn't forgotten though and were not moving this morning. I finally locked him in the barn lot.
Click to biggify and see him peeking through the gate."Hey, where are all my sheep going?"
Hank, you've scared them all again and they don't want to live with you. And I know you are excited about getting breakfast, but now you're scaring Keebler by bouncing around too much. He's "sensitive" and needs a slightly different approach.

The sheep looking back at me is Henrietta. I've been going out in the evenings with a box of vanilla wafers and having cookie parties with everyone. It's amazing how well everyone (except the few really scared sheep) behaves when there are cookies involved.
The other night I didn't have any cookies with me, but went out anyway. I sat down on the ground near the main flock. Keebs, GL and Hank all came up and sat with me. The rest of the sheep eyed me suspiciously from a distance. Finally Henri walked over to me. I tried to scratch her back (her second favorite treat), but she wasn't interested. She stayed long enough to see there were no cookies, turned around, walked back to the rest of the sheep, told them there were no cookies and they all walked away.
It's a tough crowd.