And make us all laugh.

What else could Sunshine dress up as for Halloween than the Jimmy Dean commercial's sunshine character. I thought it was a great idea. Sunshine said she was game. The rest of the Jacobs? Well, let's just say they didn't stick around for breakfast.

"Hey, why's everyone running away?"

"Well, gosh. I guess I'll just eat all of Stella's treats by myself."

Ewen McTeagle must have remembered trick or treating last year.

Iris will do anything for a Nilla Wafer.

What else could Sunshine dress up as for Halloween than the Jimmy Dean commercial's sunshine character. I thought it was a great idea. Sunshine said she was game. The rest of the Jacobs? Well, let's just say they didn't stick around for breakfast.

"Hey, why's everyone running away?"

"Well, gosh. I guess I'll just eat all of Stella's treats by myself."

Ewen McTeagle must have remembered trick or treating last year.

Iris will do anything for a Nilla Wafer.

"What do you mean the sheep are all running into the barn?"
I wished I'd had the video camera when the sheep were running away from cute little Sunshine. Of course, I was laughing so hard that I wouldn't have been able to capture it anyway. Hope everyone is having some fun today.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!