Cold Stone Salted Butterscotch Brownie

I am continually surprised while writing this blog. Mostly by how much we suck. Like what are we doing with our lives? We have had an ice cream blog for almost a year and a half now and we have not made it over to Cold Stone. One of my goals for graduate school, other than trying every flavor at Heyn's, is to go to every frozen dairy shop in Iowa City. (lol who has academic goals during graduate school.) Yotopia and Cold Stone are the only frozen dairy shops in down town Iowa City. I've already hit up Yotopia, and loved it, so I figured it is about time I hit up Cold Stone. I also had a weird, hectic day and I needed twenty minutes to sit and eat ice cream in peace. Part of my weird, hectic day involved leaving my phone in my car. So I have no pictures of my treat. Sorry. But not sorry. So this treat was seasonal for the summer. Yes summer is over, I know. However, there is still more than enough time in fall to try their fall treats, but I'm guessing the days are numbe...