
Showing posts with the label sermon resources

Collaborative Sermon Planning - Part 1

I recently attended the Drive Conference at Northpoint Church in Atlanta.  During one of the breakout sessions---on planning engaging sermon series---I learned that Andy Stanley , the senior pastor of Northpoint holds an annual two-day workshop with about 25 of his staff members to plan the sermons for the entire year.  The Northpoint staffer leading the workshop told us that the purpose of doing the planning sessions collaboratively rather than just leaving them up to Andy was fairly simple:  meeting congregational needs.  When more people were involved in the process, she told us, they were better able to determine what the congregation needed to hear, and where God might be leading the church. The moment that I heard this, I instantly wanted to try it.  The only problem was I didn't get a really good sense of how Northpoint conducted these two-day planning sessions, except for the fact that the participants were all staff members. I don't have 350 sta...

Sermon Share: Open Source Sermon Help

Behold. The greatest preacher hair I have ever seen.   I have to wonder:  If I had hair like that, would I be a better preacher?  I think it's almost certain.  If I had preacher hair like this, I would be as strong as Samson and as eloquent as Paul.  I would slay Philistines with one forward thrust of my hairspray cemented forelock.   The ladies would dig me.  But alas, my hair is thinning and I have no Samson-strong forelock.   However... I do preach on occasion.   And while I will never be able to pull off some stupendous preacher hair by copying dudes with dos, I have benefited from the wisdom of some very generous people over the years.  I got to thinking about all of the great pastors and preachers (without awesome preacher hair like our friend above) who have shared their wisdom, their sermons and their technique with me both directly and indirectly.   So I decided to create a page on my websi...