Daily Devotion - Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I don't typically pray in conventional fashion. I pray when I journal every morning. I pray in conversations with other people. I pray in silence while driving in my car. I pray by reading prayers or poems by people who write the best prayers or poems. And I pray the Lord's Prayer quite often, or read from the Psalms, or prayers and poems written by others when I can't think of what to pray. I had to give myself permission to change my prayer life years ago when I realized that my efforts prayer weren't really working. I always felt kind of bad that when I would set aside time to pray (just me, a place to sit comfortably or sometimes to kneel), I would doze off about halfway through all of my petitions to God. Sometimes it even happened when I was praying with other people. I'd be praying along, "Lord, I just want to you bless my family, shower us with your bountiful goodness. I pray that you would grant me more patience and peace, especi...