At The Movies Week One - "James Bond - Spectre"

This week we are launching a new sermon series for the month of July--and if it sounds a bit familiar, you would be correct in assuming we've done something like this before. I say like this , because this is actually the second year in a row that we have scheduled the sermon series "At The Movies" during the month of July. We did this for a couple of good reasons: First, July typically is the worst month of the year for church attendance and so most churches just fold it up for the entire month. But not us. We decided to ramp up this month for the most interactive, creative sermon series of the year. The second reason why we are doing At The Movies again, is because as Christians we need to learn a powerful lesson about the universe: Everything is Spiritual. We need to be able to look at the world around us, at culture, at art, at theater, music and even movies and be able to find the spiritual core at the center of it all. ...