Speaking (or Not) For Jesus

Fellow Christians of all political, social and theological stripes... Hear me now. Jesus can't be bullied into our categories. He can't be jammed into boxes where we think he belongs, and where he seems safest to us. We can't speak for Jesus--as if we are the authority on exactly what Jesus might say or do at any given moment on any given topic. And we can't assume that Jesus' silence on any given topic means that Jesus would have affirmed and/or condoned our beliefs about it. Jesus is not a Republican. Jesus is not a Democrat. Jesus is not a hippie sage sitting in a room full of would-be protesters helping them paint signs. Jesus is not a corporate spokesperson smiling broadly over mergers and acquisitions. Jesus is not a televangelist. Jesus is not a sports figure. Jesus is none of these things... But depending on our world view, our theology, our desire or our downright willfulness, we try to make him into one or several of them. And w...