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Ancient Stories: Ruth A Study In Faithfulness Pt. 2

This week I am concluding the short sermon series that we have been working for the past few weeks---a series entitled "Ancient Stories."  And I am also wrapping up a two-part sermon on the book of Ruth . So, let's pick up where we left off last week...  We learned two things essentially in last week's sermon:  First, the main theme of the book of Ruth is chesed  or "faithfulness," and Second, that that step toward God (who is absolutely faithful) is a step in the right direction. This week we'll build on that foundation as we discover the following: Only the faithfulness of God can transform emptiness into hope. As we left Ruth in the first part of her story, she was basically homeless living with her mother-in-law in a foreign land with no prospects.  Her husband was dead, her father-in-law was dead---there were no men to provide for her safety and security.  I know this sounds jarring to our ears, but Ruth lived in a world where widows wer...