Ancient Stories Week One: "The (Very) Reluctant Hero"

This Sunday we'll begin a brand new sermon series that will begin our church's journey through the Old Testament . We'll be encountering some of the great characters in Scripture along the way---characters that undoubtedly dominated many a Sunday school class for some of us church-y types. I'd like to think that this sermon series is kind of a "Sunday School Remixed," sort of thing. We're going to be going over some familiar ground for many of our church members but hopefully we'll all learn some things that surprise us when we do. And if you are tuning in and you don't have much of a history with the Bible---you will definitely get the chance to learn more than you bargained for if we do this right... Part One of this first series in our study is centered on the story of Gideon and is entitled: "Ancient Stories: The (Very) Reluctant Hero ." This story comes right out of Judges chapters 6 & Judges chapter 7 In the first...