
Showing posts with the label and Dissertations


I typed the original version of this on a virtual typewriter .  A virtual typewriter.  This is what we've come to in our crazy-mixed-up world. I am actually typing on a virtual typewriter that has virtual typewriter keys that when depressed make virtual typewriter arms or whatever the heck they are called fly into the air and virtually strike a virtual page making a virtual imprint on a virtual piece of paper. And then if I want I can send this virtual piece of paper with virtual type virtually printed on it to a program on the iPad I am using to command this virtual typewriter that will enable me to print and actual copy of this virtual creation. What a world. And here's the funny thing about all of this. I actually prefer writing on this thing to simply using a word processing program -- despite how slick it is and despite all of the ways that said program can make my document look snappy. There was a moment just then when I actually felt my ...