An Offering - Newly Released Book Now On Sale!

Last year I attended Rob Bell 's very first 2Day event in Laguna Beach, CA and it pretty much changed my life. I blogged about it here , and here , and here and here . There were others, but I don't want to bore you, or to give you the impression that the only thing I blog about is Rob Bell. I blog about other stuff. I promise. But in this case, I mention Rob Bell because he said something really profound that changed my life. He said that many of us didn't create art, write books, blog--whatever because we thought that it had already been done before. Then he said, "But not by you." I went home with those words stuck in my head, and I found the manuscript to "An Offering" and I started working on it again. Then I added more essays, and then I decided to do something crazy---publish it myself. Getting published is hard. It's hard because you get rejected---a lot. It's hard because it really is all about who you kn...