
Showing posts with the label Aronofsky

A Review Of The Movie "Noah" or "I Wish I Had Those 2 Hours Back"

Last night I finally went and saw the movie Noah .  I wanted to go see " Captain America: The Winter Soldier ," but since I'm a pastor... and since people ask me about biblically-based movies, I felt I should go.  Listen, if I thought there was a chance that anyone had asked me what I thought theologically about Captain America --I would have so gone to see it. I wish I had. I've read the negative reviews on Noah from Christian leaders, pastors, reviewers, bloggers, etc. They far outweigh the positive ones, to be honest. But you know something is up when even neutral reviewers without a "dog in the fight," so to speak, don't have very good things to say about it. The director of Noah , Darren Aronofsky , is not a Christian.  He is, in fact, Jewish, and more secular than religious, by his own admission.  This isn't "The Bible " mini-series, and it's not "The Son of God ," in other words.  Those recent projects were cr...