10 Leadership Lessons I Learned from Disney

I worked at Walt Disney World for nearly 10 years (1984-1993) and served in a variety of locations and in a variety of roles. I was an Operations Lead (on-site supervisor) and I was one of the youngest (at the time) graduates from WDW's management training program. I trained as a manager in Monorails and I served for over a year as a manager at Magic Kingdom Guest Relations and Main Street Operations. The leadership lessons that I learned during my tenure at Walt Disney World have stayed with me all these many years later. Here are ten of the most basic leadership lessons that I learned. 1. No Matter What Happens--the Park Is Going To Open. I remember when I was working as a Lead in Operations that it didn't matter if every single one of the cast members on your team called in sick, you'd better beg, borrow or steal personnel to get your rides running before the park opened. This is a great rule to live by in your business or organiza...