
Showing posts with the label David Lee Roth

The Mission Week Three: "Sowing The Seeds of Love"

This week we are continuing the sermon series, "The Mission: Living the Christian Life--Like a Christian."  Each week during this series we're wrestling with a question that has plagued Christians for centuries, " Jesus is Risen---Now What? " Our focus today is on love, which I am sure we all can agree is a fairly important aspect of the Christian life.  At least we would like to think we would all agree on this.  More on that later.  But first, I must embarrass myself. This is my Senior photo from 1986: Yeah.  That happened.  Here's the most awesome part---I still have that tie. It's photos like this that beg the question, "What was I thinking ?" Funnily enough... I actually can tell you what I was thinking about a few things:  I was thinking that Van Halen was not nearly as good without David Lee Roth .  I was also thinking that I wanted to be a writer one day.  I thought that parachute pants were fairly awesome when worn wi...