
Our poor little dog had knee replacement surgery a little over a week ago. The veterinarian told us that he most likely fell on it in just the wrong way to make it happen. So now he has to be carried up and down the stairs, and can't run or jump for six weeks. And, to add insult to injury, he has to wear one of those big plastic cones around his head to keep him from worrying at his stitches. When he has his cone on, he can't see what's happening to his left and right, and has to constantly keep shifting his head back and forth as he walks in order to see where he's going. As I was watching our little dog navigating his restricted environment this morning, I started thinking about how limited my own perceptions are--especially when it comes to experiencing God around me. I think most of walk around in life as if we're wearing spiritual cones that limit our perception, and keep us focused mostly on the six inches in f...