
Showing posts with the label Ramones

Pastrix: A Review of Nadia Bolz-Weber's Memoir of a Cranky, Beautiful Faith

Nadia Bolz-Weber defies your categories.  In fact, she takes your categories, tears them into pieces, wads them up and throws them back in your face. Bolz-Weber is a loud-mouthed, heavily tattooed , often-profane former stand-up comic , who also happens to be an ordained Lutheran minister. She's also a recovering alcoholic and a former fundamentalist Christian , who discovered at an early age that the conservative faith of her childhood was something she didn't care to embrace.  Weber spent years in addiction of one sort or another, but always seemed to find her way back to God--despite her objections. Her latest book Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint  tells the story of her pastoral calling in a rambling but engaging narrative filled with memorable characters, unforgettable moments, theological reflections on life, the universe and everything and a few curse words . When I say a "few" curse words, I mean more than "some,...