
Showing posts with the label church rules

The Reverend's Big Bulletin Adventure

I did something this past week that has felled lesser ministers.  I changed the worship bulletin. For those pastors out there reading this, I could very nearly hear your audible gasp. And right now your stomach is probably doing flips just to imagine what it would be like to do this in your own church.  But you've wanted to, haven't you?  You've hated it... that thing.   You know... That thing that you produce each week that is full of liberally and randomly used Microsoft Clip Art...  That thing that you produce that makes the Earth weep each time you run it because of all the trees that died in order to promote the Men's Prayer Breakfast...  That thing that has more inserts than a newspaper on Black Friday...  You want to change it, don't you? Now for those of you non-church-y type folk who might be reading this, I know what you are saying.  "Huh?" Exactly.  There are certain things that church-y people do and say that sho...