Heavenly Books - A Suggested Reading Guide

In preparation for the sermon that I preached last Sunday, I re-read, and referenced several books on life after death, heaven and the coming kingdom of God--what theologian N.T. Wright calls "life, after life after death." I thought it would be helpful to offer a bibliography of sorts, along with a brief critique of the books I referenced in the event anyone out their in TV Land might want to do some extra reading on the topic. The Heaven Promise: Engaging the Bible's Truth About Life to Come by Scot McKnight (Waterbrook Press, 2015) This was one of the new books that I read over the course of the last couple of weeks. McKnight is the author of over fifty books and is a professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Illinois. I found The Heaven Promise to be an incredibly hopeful, accessible and comprehensive view of what the Bible actually says about heaven and life after death. McKnight covers all of the big questions (Who gets t...