Different - Week 3: "Speech"

I have a list of words that I would like to see eradicated from our cultural lexicon. I don't ask for much--perhaps issuing hefty fines to people who use them until they learn not to would be a good place to start. Honestly, if everyone listened to me on issues like this the world would be a better place. So... to the words: "Bromance" - This is a word that is used to describe the affection that exists between two dudes who want to ensure that no one mistakes their relationship as something other than manly friendship---and so they use a word that combines "brother" and "romance," which honestly just makes the whole thing worse. "Foodie" - This word is used to describe someone who really, really, really likes food. People will use it in a pretentious sort of way, "Oh, I really don't care to eat at Chipotle--I'm kind of a foodie, you know." Oh, you like food? So does everyone. Find another word. "Irr...