
Showing posts with the label roller coaster

We All Need a Roller Coaster Shaped Faith

I'm not good at riding roller coasters.  In fact, on the rare occasions when I do find myself on a roller coaster, it is almost always followed by queasiness, vertigo and a general sense of wishing I was dead.   I wish I could ride roller coasters without feeling wretched afterward.  Years ago, I psyched myself up to ride the Rockin' Roller Coaster at Disney Studios.  It goes from 0-60 mph in like three seconds, which was amazing.  Then it started doing loops, and twists and turns.  For three seconds I felt like a million bucks and then for the rest of the ride I felt like a crumpled up dollar bill in a gutter.   In the end, my lack of desire to ride roller coasters comes down to the simple fact that I am not willing to trade control of all of my faculties, and hours of misery for a few moments of exhilaration.   Don't you wish that you could make the same kind of choice when faced with the twists and turns of life?   I don't know ...