
Showing posts with the label Jesus Seminar

Putting Away Childish Things by Marcus Borg

Putting Away Childish Things: A Tale of Modern Faith by Marcus Borg ; HarperOne, 2010 I first discovered Marcus Borg when I was attending McCormick Theological Seminary and enrolled in a class, "The Quest for Jesus."  It was in this class that I was introduced to Borg's works, Meeting Jesus For the First Time and Jesus.  I also learned about Borg's involvement with The Jesus Seminar, a much-maligned, groundbreaking, oft-controversial group of scholars, theologians, sociologists, etc. that focused on discovering the historical Jesus.  Borg's scholarship has been alternately praised or attacked, depending upon which sort of Christian community happens to be reflecting upon it.  Putting Away Childish Things is a work of fiction--Borg's first novel, to be more precise.  Borg describes it as a "didactic" or teaching novel.  The characters within the story struggle with issues of life and faith in an academic setting and within the context of our emer...