What Do Worry, Cinnabon & Tall Boots All Have In Common?

I woke up today and started worrying. As I started going through the list of all the things in my life that were outside of my control, I felt my stomach start to twist into knots. Suddenly, I had an uncontrollable urge for a huge cinnamon roll with double icing. Don't judge me. I'm not the only human being on the face of this planet who has used Cinnabon as a coping mechanism. I know, I know... I've heard all of the sermons about how we shouldn't worry. I've heard the exhortations to cast all my cares upon God. Heck, I've preached more than my fair share of those sermons, and have delivered more than a few of those exhortations to people who were worrying. But still, some days you wake up, and you start thinking about all of the things that are uncertain, the stuff that's out there that you just can't control, and it occupies your mind to the point of distraction. Author and motivational speaker Ryan Holiday put...