Red: Understanding the Hard Sayings Of Jesus - Week One: "Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood"

This week we are launching a brand new sermon series, entitled "Red: Understanding the Hard Sayings of Jesus," a series that I hope both challenges and inspires us to learn more about what it means to follow Jesus, to be a Christian. Let me begin by asking you a question: What do you do when you hear something that absolutely rocks your world? And what I mean by this is when you hear a truth, a new idea, something that when you hear it, you feel the reverberations of what you've heard deep inside your soul? What do you do when you hear something that challenges the way you thought about the world? About God? About everything? I was at a conference for pastors and went to hear a talk by author and Christian activist, Shane Claiborne, who was promoting his newest book: Jesus For President . Shane is one of those Christians that make us all look bad. He developed a heart for the poor, so he gave up everything and went to live in o...