
Showing posts with the label genesis 3

In The Beginning - Part 4: "Falling Upward"

This week I'll be concluding the sermon series, "In The Beginning" the Story of Creation. Over the past several weeks we have been thinking together about the implications of our being created by a creative and loving God...  What it means to be created in God's image, to be created to care for the Creation that cares for us...   Today we are going to be journeying into Genesis chapter 3--the chapter where it feels like everything starts to fall apart in the Creation story.   When I was a kid, this part of the story was often referred to as "The Fall," or the moment when "Original Sin" entered into the world.  It's also the part of the story where lots of misguided theologians have done real violence to the Gospel by blaming women, and reading all kinds of things into the text that aren't there.  What I want to focus on, however, is a bit different.  The one thing I want us to hold on to as learn together today is simply this:  ...