Recovering The Sermon Part 4: Processes, Furniture, Remodeling

Welcome to Part 4 in the "Recovering The Sermon" blog posts--loosely based on a preaching workshop I facilitated recently for pastors, preachers and communicators. In this post we get down to the nuts and bolts--the old nitty gritty-- where the proverbial rubber meets the proverbial road. I can't think of any more cliches. We're going to begin with antennae. A few posts ago, I mentioned that when you are planning your sermons or talks several weeks or months in advance, you will find that you walk around with your antennae up, so to speak. But I would argue that the great communicators always have their antennae up--they are always open to seeing God, truth, Jesus , hope, beauty in the world around them. "Have your eyes open to the world, be alert to the things that are curious, that speak. If you find the world interesting, you will be interesting." - Rob Bell Rob Bell famously uses a term called "buckets" to describe where he s...