Switch: Change Never Sleeps, Not Unlike the Heath Brothers

Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip & Dan Heath; Broadway, 2010 Chip & Dan Heath are brothers---brothers in business. They are the bestselling authors of Made To Stick : Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. They are also regular columnists for Fast Company Magazine . And they are brothers. I wonder if my sons would go into business together and write bestselling books, and blog about stuff that millions of people read, and will keep their old man rolling in the green long after he quits earning. I doubt it. Switch is the newest offering by the Heath Brothers in their quest toward a more innovative, relevant and nimble business "model." It's also an awesome read and full of straight up wisdom. Switch sets up the analogy of a Rider that is trying to direct an Elephant down a Path toward change--an analogy that is carried throughout the book and into the prescriptive guidelines that the Heath brothers tout as vital for an...