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Showing posts with the label Tyvek

A Little of This and a Little of That...

Welcome to the Blog. Today, I have for you a couple large Halloween themed tags.  I used the same  Crafters Workshop stencil  and one  Raven themed collage sheet  as the jumping off point for my two tags.  I used similar products and even similar placement for each element.   You will see however, that I acheived two completely different looks.   I also used a newer item to Altered Pages,  Tyvek envelopes  to create beautiful DIY flowers.  I will include a seperate tutorial on the flowers at the bottom of this post.   You really must try this technique!!!  It is 100% addictive.  Let's begin... Grab your tag and break that blank background with an ink of your choice.   You can mist, sponge, watercolor, etc.   Splash Inks  are perfect for this!  Next, apply another layer over your stencil.  I used a darker green ink sprayed on t...