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γε μάν: “Howbeit.” μάν meets an objection, made or to be made, γε limits the utterance to φαντί. Compare O. 13.104; P. 1.17; N. 8.50; I. 3 (4), 18. “Yet they say that thus prosperity that abideth in bloom for a man brings with it this and that” (good and bad), or, analyzed, οὕτως ἂν παραμόνιμος θάλλοι εὐδαιμονία ἐὰν τὰ καὶ τὰ φέρηται. Ups and downs are necessary to abiding fortune. Perpetual success provokes more than envy of men, the Nemesis of God. We hear the old Polykrates note.

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