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Antistrophe 4

ξυναῖς δ᾽ ἀμφ᾽ ἀρεταῖς : ξυναὶ ἀρεταί are achievements that are within the reach of all, that are open to all (Dissen). Mezger prefers “Excellences that inure to the good of all,” such as victories. This is τό γ᾽ ἐν ξυνῷ πεποναμένον εὖ of P. 9.101. Jebb: “Those virtues move my zeal which serve the folk.” But the stress is laid directly on the avoidance of envy

τέταμαι: “I am at full stretch” as it were, with his arms about the prize. Compare

ὃς δ᾽ ἂν πρῶτος θορὼν
ἀμφί ϝοι ψαύσειε πέπλοις.

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