διφρηλασίας: As ἀφετήριοι the Dioskuroi had an altar at the starting-post of the Hippodrome (Paus. 5, 15, 5).
πὰρ θυμὸς ὀτρύνει: The πᾳ of the MSS. (= πως, Schol.) cannot be construed; with ὀτρύνει it makes no sense, and διδόντων is too far off. πάρ, Böckh (παροτρύνει), with poor and late MSS. The old Scholiasts show uneasiness.
Ἐμμενίδαις | Θήρωνί τε: Theron crowns the line. The dat. with ἐλθεῖν as often when equiv. to γενέσθαι.