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Αἰγιμιοῦ: A Dorian, not a Herakleid. See P. 1.64.

τὸ δ᾽ ἐμόν: Cf. I. 7 (8), 39: τὸ μὲν ἐμόν. The healing power, the gift of the Muse, the fair state, the settlement of the Peloponnese — all these wonderful things are due to Apollo — but mine it is to sing the glory of Sparta and the Aigeidai, who are bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. By insisting on the ancient ties of kindred, P. gives a warmer tone to his narrative. Compare O. 6.84.

γαρύεν: So with Hermann and Bergk for γαρύετ᾽ γαρύεντ᾽ of the MSS.

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