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ὑγίειαν . . . χρυσέαν: See P. 1.1; and for the praise of health, compare Lucian's De lapsu inter salutandum.

κῶμόν τε: On the effect of τε in twinning the two χάριτες, see O. 1.62.

ἀέθλων Πυθίων: Depends on στεφάνοις. So N. 5.5: παγκρατίου στέφανον.

αἴγλαν στεφάνοις: Cf. O. 1.14: ἀγλαΐξεται δὲ καὶ μουσικᾶς ἐν ἀώτῳ, and O. 11 (10), 13: κόσμον ἐπὶ στεφάνῳ . . . ἁδυμελῆ κελαδήσω. The song lends additional lustre to the lustrous crowns. The plur. on account of the victories of Pherenikos.

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