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Epode 1

ὑπ᾽ ἀμφοτέρων: O. 4.2: ὑπὸ ποικιλοφόρμιγγος ἀοιδᾶς.

κατέβαν: Figuratively. So O. 9.89; Ν. 10, 43. For the verb, see P. 3.73, which there also is used absolutely.

τὰν ποντίαν: Depends on ὑμνέων. τὰν ποντίαν is usu. combined with Ῥόδον. As to the distance, see O. 12.5. Still it is better to take the words as they come — the daughter of the sea (τὰν ποντίαν = τὰν πόντου) — child of Aphrodite — bride of the sun. With τὰν ποντίαν παῖδ᾽ Ἀφροδίτας, compare Κρόνιε παῖ Ῥέας (O. 2.13).

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