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Ἀπόλλων τε Πυθώ: A complex; hence ἔπορεν. Compare O. 5.15.

κῦδος . . . ἱπποδρομίας: “Glory in chariot-racing.” Others make ἀμφικτιόνων depend on ἱπποδρομίας.

ἐξ ἀμφικτιόνων: ἐξ is “over,” O. 8.54. ἀμφικτιόνων, not Ἀμφικτυόνων, “the surrounding inhabitants.” This is understood of those who lived around Delphi, but it would apply with more force to the Libyan rivals of Arkesilas. So. El. 702: δύο | Λίβυες ζυγωτῶν ἁρμάτων ἐπιστάται.

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