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ἀξία: Cicero's translation (Prisc. v. 64), quae igitur potest esse indignitas voluptatis ad molestiam, nisi in magnitudine aut longitudine alterius utrius posita? shows that the false reading of the Mss. ἀναξία, which arose from the preceding ἀναξίων, is very old. ἀναξία is not found as a subst., while ΔΗ and AN are often interchanged.

After the substs. ὑπερβολή and ἔλλειψις, we should expect ταῦτα δ᾽ ἐστὶ τὸ μείζω τε καὶ σμικρότερα γίγνεσθαι, but the sentence is const. as though replying to the question καὶ πῶς ἄλλως ἄξια τὰ ἡδέα πρὸς τὰ λυπηρά, ἀλλ᾽ ὑπερβάλλοντα ἄλληλα καὶ ἐλλείποντα;

ἡδύ: we should have expected ἡδὺ καὶ λυπηρόν, but, as the words stand, we must regard καὶ λυπηροῦ, which follows, as an afterthought.

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