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οὐδένα ἐῶσι: cf. Aristotle (in Harpocr. p. 166, 12 Ddf.) οὐκ ἐξεῖναί φησιν ἀποδημεῖν τοῖς Λακεδαιμονίοις, ὅπως μὴ ἐθίζωνται ἄλλων νόμων εἶναι φίλοι. Laws of this kind are laid down also for the ideal state in Legg. xii. 950 d f.—This is the only passage which states the same fact regarding Crete, but the agreement of Spartan and Cretan customs is well known.

ἐν ταύταις ταῖς πόλεσι: i.e. in Lacedaemon and the Cretan cities.

γυναῖκες: training and custom made the women in Sparta more nearly equal to the men than elsewhere, and their crisp, spirited sayings also were quoted; as of the mother who handed her son his shield, with the words τέκνον τὰν ἐπὶ τᾶς, cf. Plut. ii. 240 b ff., Λακαινῶν ἀποφθέγματα.

εἰ γὰρ ἐθέλει κτἑ.: cf. 324 a, l. 20.

τὰ μὲν πολλά: K. F. Hermann reads τὰ μὲν πρῶτα, but not at first simply, but in general, the conversation of the Spartan is plain and unpretending, and only occasionally does his keenness dart forth.

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    • Plato, Protagoras, 324a
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