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κολυμβῶσι: this employment of divers, probably for the recovery of articles which had fallen in, or for the cleaning out of wells, is mentioned also in Lach. 193 c καὶ ὅσοι ἂν ἐθέλωσιν εἰς φρέαρ καταβαίνοντες καὶ κολυμβῶντες καρτερεῖν ἐν τούτῳ τῷ ἔργῳ, and by Hesych. κολυμβητάς: τοὺς ἐκ τῶν φρεά- των ἀναπέμποντας τοὺς κάδους. The ἐπιστάται τῶν ὑδάτων in Athens had special oversight of the wells and cisterns; an important function, in the meagreness of the water supply.

ἄφιπποι: the rare word is explained as ἀπείρως ἔχοντας ἱππικῆς by the Schol. on Rep. i. 335 c ἆρ᾽ οὖν τῇ ἱππικῇ οἱ ἱππικοὶ ἀφίππους (δύνανται ποιεῖν) then by the equestrian art can the horsemen make others bad horsemen?

Iphicrates, an able Athenian general in the first half of the fourth century B.C., greatly increased the effectiveness of the πελτασταί, although such troops are mentioned before his time. Thucydides, in ii. 29, iv. 28, speaks of Thracian, and Xenophon, in the Anabasis, distinguishes Thracian and Grecian peltasts. Cf. An. i. 8. 5 τὸ Ἑλληνικὸν πελταστικόν, vi. 5. 26 οἱ Ἕλληνες πελτασταί. In vi. 2. 16, the Thracian peltasts of Clearchus are distinguished from those which followed Xenophon.

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