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ἁπλοῦν: absolutely true, without exception. —

συγχωρῆσαι: sc. μέ from the preceding μοί.

μή μοι: see on 318 b.

τό: for the neut. art. with a clause, see G. 141, N. 7. —

εἰ βούλει: Socrates often rejects concessions made merely from courtesy, mere conditional assent, because he has to do with truth, with genuine persuasion, not with a momentary exhibition of his own skill and acuteness. He who will find the truth must take into the contest himself and his real belief; cf. 333 c.

τοῦτο κτἑ.: I use this expression ‘you and me.’ τοῦτο does not refer to what follows (by ‘you and me’ I mean this).

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  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • Plato, Protagoras, 318b
    • Plato, Protagoras, 333c
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