Saturday, December 31, 2022

December update for Schmidt Family Newsletter

 In December Abby played in several basketball tournaments, Allen had a band concert, Jane and Emma and Jill had a choir concert, and the twins also had a band concert. We had a wonderful Christmas. Our whole family was involved during the Christmas Sacrament meeting service-- Ross and I sang in the ward choir, Jill sang with the primary, and the others sang in the youth musical number. After years and years of renting for Christmas we surprised the kids with pets --- we adopted two guinea pig brothers named Jerry and Nibbles. Things at courthouse really slow down at Christmas so Ross had over a week off of work. We caroled to all of our new neighbors, saw Christmas lights, did some home organizing, relaxing/playing at home, re-stained/waxed our kitchen table, hosted a dinner with Ross's uncle and cousins on New Year's Day, and spent two free nights after Christmas at a hotel downtown Sacramento and enjoyed the pool, gym and delicious hot breakfast.  We loved visiting the Giving Machine in our mall! It's fun having one close this year.

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