Ghost Towns
d6 Size
1 Tiny Hamlet d6 buildings
2-4 Small Village d6+3 buildings
5 Large Village 2d6+6 buildings
6 Small Town 4d6+12 buildings
d6 Condition
1 Hidden crumbling ruins are overgrown with trees and creepers
2 Collapsing ruins most roofing gone, the place has been stripped by looters
3 Fragile and falling apart structures and mounds of rubble and scrap
4 Burned partly intact roof, falling apart
5 Battered and leaky, falling apart, piles of rubbish and scrap inside
6 Worn and in need of some repairs
d12 Lesser Feature (1per6 buildings)
1 Graveyard
2 Smithy
3 Small church
4 Communal barn
5 Small inn
6 Stable
7 Pond, gloomy and dank and choked by weeds (water weird?)
8 A gloomy hanging tree or execution block
9 Gibbett with a tortured corpse in a cage on pole by road
10 General store
11 Midden heap of garbage as big as a house
12 Stone crypt
d12 Major Feature (1per12 buildings)
1 Marketplace
2 Work sheds
3 Mill & granary
4 Old mine or quarry
5 Caravan inn for traders
6 Monument d4 1=fountain 2=obelisk 3=statue 4=gate
7 Docks and fishing boats on a gloomy body of water
8 Cellblock 1=sherriff office 2=prison 3=slave market 4=slave pens
9 Statue to some old hero d4 1=has spirit in it 2=vanalised with paint and feces 3=smashed 4=has a water feature of drinking water
10 Temple with several outbuildings d4 1=haunted 2=monster lair 3=defiled by cult 4=taken over by a lesser demon
11 Strange house of a wizard or witch seeking isolation
12 An ancient stone megalithic monolith from ancient times
d12 Spooky Effects
1 Piles of old bones and skulls
2 Creeking buildings groan and shudder in the wind
3 Whistling wind 1in6 chance of a gale
4 Dark clouds gather 1in6 chance of lightning and rain
5 Owl hoots, wolf howls and other animal noises
6 Cobwebs thick block doorways and hang in trees
7 Rats scurrying everywhere in vegetation and rubble
8 Frightened by reflection or shadows
9 A human corpse with belongings in a state of decay
10 Cawing ravens hop about curiously
11 Structure collapses or ground gives way to some buried pit or cellar
12 Fog rolls in eerily and chill hits
d12 Lesser Hauntings
1in6 chance per building
1 Elderly hermit or witch hiding from the world but knows the area well
2 Gang of d6+6 bandits lair
3 Pack of feral dogs d4+3
4 Loner 1=madman 2=cannibal 3=murderer 4=village idiot
5 Giant spider
6 Poltergeist rattles building angrily
7 Ghouls sniffing and digging for human remains d4+1 led by a ghast
8 Coffer corpses feigning death d4
9 Huecuva feign roles of friendly human vagrants d4
10 Spectral minion of a commoner, a luminous but harmless spirit
11 Spectral minion, armed seeks violent retribution 1in6 for 2d4 of them
12 Wight of an ancient warrior screams hate for life by night
d12 Major Hauntings 1in6 chance per 12 buildings
1 Hell Hound or Dire wolf or another evil canine with an evil reputation among locals
2 Cult of a dozen led by a spell caster having a secret meeting
3 Shadows creep from dark cracks d4
4 Tribe of goblins 4d6 adults, d6 old d6 young led by chief + d1 1=goblin shaman 2=thoul bodyguard 3=d6 hobgoblin elite 4=bugbear headhunter
5 Dark elf scouts d4+1 with d6 human skeletons d6 goblin thralls
6 Evil wizard working in a secret criminal potion lab +d4 apprentices and d4+4 orcs
7 Gothic willow dryad, needy for love with a d4-1 current charmed lovers
8 Horrible beast lair d4 1=Leucrotta 2=baslisk 3=wyvern 4=manticore
9 Spirit being dwells here to avoid humans 1=spririt animal folk 2=minor land spirit wants area cleansed of evil 3=evil spirit aids and helps monsters and evil beings in ruins 4=lesser devil or demon (imp or better)
10 Undead tomb or lair, part of a curse to return here or following order of greater evil 1=Vampire (most often thrall serving a greater vampire) 2=mummy 3=wraith 4=spectre
11 Screaming banshee lets lose an evil cry
12 Nighthag or lesser demon with a d4 prisoners
d12 Curse of the Village
1 A horrible betrayal and murder left an angry spirit that has ruined the village from revenge
2 Cultists overtook village and brought it to ruin d4 imps scuttle about
3 An ancient tomb was damaged and a terrible undead being awoken, driving folk away
4 The plague wiped out all and contamination around village carries some risk
5 A corrupt official spread evil cult here and in a night of horror all had died or fled
6 Someone found a cursed item that attracted evil and still is hidden and forgotten here
7 Criminals came and murdered the locals leaving several grisly spectral minions that scare away intruders
8 A witch lived among village plotting and turning people against each other until only she remained. She still lives in a shack on the edge in a spooky cottage
9 A wicked cultist or witch was burned but came back as a monster for revenge killing everyone
10 Locals had a long-running feud with the wild folk and non-humans in the area but finally poisoned and murdered them all. A few survivors prayed to their gods for revenge
11 Someone here, possibly a traveller brought the attention of an evil wizard who sent disaster to this place and possibly has a spy minion here
12 A gate to the netherworld was opened once in a ritual and never really closed and attracts evil ever since unless it can be destroyed
d12 Lesser Secrets (one per 10 buildings)
1 Tunnels under the village used by smugglers in olden times open in many buildings
2 One of the buildings is an evil shrine that can heal undead a d4 HP
3 An evil cult meet here often with creepy signs of rituals remain
4 A criminal gang of killers has a building they hide loot in and occasionally hide in, they always carry holy symbols and come by day and hide by night. The gang leave victims for monsters so they get ignored by evil beings here who welcome their wickedness
5 A feral child lives here is fed scraps by ghosts and monsters and is scared of humans
6 Remains of bodies that seemingly murdered each other
7 A strange animal spies on explorers but flees and vanishes if scrutinised, animal spirit folk d4 1=seeks victims to trick 2=wants to eat human flesh 3=hunting evil 4=wants town cleansed
8 A wood golem a carved horrible tree idol hidden in bushes craves blood by night
9 Lots of jack o lantern scarecrows around the village to stop people leaving
10 A demihuman of faerie folk lives in a house will invite for tea once it is sure explorers not hostile. They know story of the place and how to cleanse the local curse
11 Caves and a sinkhole are in the area with underground stream and haunted grotto
12 An old well is a lair where a creature hides d4 1=giant frog 2=wererat 3=albino fishman stranded long ago now mad 4=serpent folk wizard has hidden lair and lab in well
d12 Greater Secrets (one if over 30 buildings)
1 An artwork is an illusionary gateway to the past where you can see the disaster that ruined the community began. Spectral minions inside the artwork are in a time loop
2 A necromancer has set up a base in a crypt with a d4 apprentices who have made all the available corpses into undead which they can call on. Plan harm to some community
3 A succubus lives here often in disguise d4 1=attractive spooky priestess 2=escaped slave seeking help 3=lost child needs help finding mommy
4 An underground complex connects to a pagan temple of a forgotten prehuman empire with ancient guardian beings
5 A hill near the village is a barrow and by night a wight or other undead comes forth
6 A devil swine has charmed servants feeding them and will try to capture strangers to meet the master and he's hellish influence
7 A huge serpent hides in water or a cave and is attracted to noise
8 A hellcat lurks hoping to find a better master than the useless coward it has now
9 A mad magician breeds giant or mutant animals in a hidden location hoping to scare off meddling troublemakers
10 A demon prince has interests here and if curse cleansed will send cult to kill defilers
11 A good relic here is guarded by evil
12 Inquisitor or exorcist set off a false witch craze and now they are a damned undead. A headstone monument marks the dozen burned victims proved innocent
Showing posts with label witch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label witch. Show all posts
Friday, 1 May 2020
Sunday, 26 January 2020
Creepy Dungeon Dreams
These are some horrible dream tables like previous ones I have done. i guess you could be extra mean and combine say three of them. If some kind of of magic waking nightmare world you might actually get to make some rolls before the player knows its just a dream. These dreams are meant to be at least 80s horror film bad so don't read while eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
d10 Quick Types
1 Monsters of unreason
2 Bodily ruination
3 Home is where harm is
4 Elemental terrors
5 Vermin and filth
6 Haunting visions
7 Deaths horrors
8 Demonic assaults
9 Evil visions of hellish torment
10 Outre torments from beyond
d100 Creepy Dreams
01 Goblins are creeping around you and you are paralysed, they begin to devour you
02 You take shelter in the rain under a bridge, a giant troll stirs and grabs you, slurping its lips and tearing off your clothes
03 You are covered in dripping green slime, as your flesh is painfully consumed you try to scrape and cut it off hastening your demise
04 A hole opens under your feet and you fall into the mandibles of a giant burrowing insect monster
05 Savage orcs catch you in forest and tie you to a pole, they ritually torture you and scourge you with ordeals and gauntlets before finally devouring you
06 Whilst on a horrible tavern privy a fetid column of filth rises like a serpent and forces itself into your mouth choking, blinding and drowning you, nobody hears you gurgling screams
07 A savage black giant wolf peruses you through a dark primal forest, eventually it catches you knocking you down and taking huge gouging bites from your flesh
08 Someone in your group is really a monster and murderer in secret but your friends think it is you and believe the beast
09 A dragon burning your home, people you knew burned and dead, places you knew now just ashen mounds
10 Become a lycanthrope and murder people as a beast by night
11 Your limbs go numb and begin to rot off leaving you helpless
12 You are making love to your one true love, then you are covered in blood as you crushed them and destroyed parts of your body
13 Your gums bleed, worms in your teeth squirm agonisingly, your hair falls out
14 You are in agony and coughing blood. Your stomach explodes and a imp born from you tries to kill your remaining ruined body
15 Eyeballs open all over your body disorientated and horrified by naked reflection
16 Worms under your skin writhing around, start bursting free from hands, eyes, ears, etc
17 Thing from underground swallows you and your trapped squirming through its body
18 Heart beats louder then glows and chest swells before exploding from some other worldly parasite being born
19 Skin shreds away leaving you a horrific monster and in agony craving new skin
20 Mutations bubble and boil from your flesh each step then you devolve into a tentacled slime
21 People in the street are coughing and falling, their faces discoloured, plague comes
22 People you knew growing up are part of a angry mob and you are tied to a stake and burned alive
23 Elderly people surround you dressed as a child and hungrily pursue you through a distorted world where sizes change
24 There is a terrible famine, cannibalism breaks out, many succumb, a mob chase you
25 A dream lover is really a succubi or inccubi and and reveals it's demonic form
26 Your deceased elders are being tortured by demons in hell
27 You awake in palace full of undead who make you dine with them and drink their food and drink or be eaten
28 Common people you know start to mutate and and morph into a huge fused mass of flesh who want you to join them
29 Dragons and demons overrun and destroy everything in horrible massacre
30 Awaken in your home or most recent inn or house full of killer mimics and so is whole house and they have eaten your friends
31 You are in a haunted dark place, the air pressure increases and your nose bleeds, you feel your insides squirm in pain, you fall, your eyeballs burst, your flesh and organs rupture
32 Everything is icy cold and you sit cold blue and shaking, your skin becomes frost bitten
33 Fire is burning around you and you are choking in smoke, someone is with you
34 It is terribly cold and it is dark, something in the wind screams for you
35 You slip and are falling, you don't understand as you plummet to the ground
36 Underwater, you don't know which way is up, something watches as you run out of air
37 Funeral pyre forms a column of burning flames and flying burned bones absorbing humans and buildings into it and coming after you
38 Mass of elemental earth full of rotten corpses bursts out of ground to attack smothering you
39 You slaughter lots of monsters but their blood forls into a water elemental which crushes and drowns you
40 An electrical jolt arcs from ground forming a ball of lightning that strikes you again cooking your flesh
41 A swarm of stinging insects menace you and you call for help and try to escape but your swollen blistered body fails you as people pass by
42 Everything is black, it is a swarm of flies. They start to land on you crawling in your mouth, nose, eyes in your clothes smothering you
43 You are a worm crawling in the earth blindly eating some rotten flesh and feel content
44 Worms under your skin are bulging and you start to burst open
45 Rats swarm from sewers, windows and doors. Flow over streets smothering you
46 Awake in bed swarming with fleas you try to get them off more jump everywhere blinding, chocking and smothering you
47 A parasite in you is starting to control you, it crawls under your skin and part of it comes out of your bodily openings occasionally. The thing makes you sacrifice victims chanting to the worm gods then eating the victim
48 Naked and muddy in the underworld of beasts and the lord of the hunt has brought every animal you ate to tear you to pieces for not saying prayers to beast gods properly
49 Beetles under your skin erupt and devour you
50 You awake wrapped in a spider silk cocoon suspended in a dark web filled pit, A giant spider demon approaches to suck your flesh dry
51 Girl from a painting you saw in a inn keeps appearing in your dreams
52 Dark figure chases you in crawlspace between walls of some complex
53 Trees in the dark forest creek, watching you, herding you, breathing slowly
54 A horrid nightmare dream creature stalks you and perhaps slew people you knew
55 Lost in a cave but something lurks inside stalking you
56 Cult summon a mass of eyes and tentacles from beyond which eats cultists then becomes aware of you
57 Strapped to a altar, cultists dance and chant mutilating you until a shambling tree sized horror tears you apart and devours you
58 Trapped in a complex dungeon trap, scorpions climb all over you stinging you until a owlbear comes and begins devouring you while paralysed
59 Climbing over the beams in the dark in a house attack hearing noises of party below, you fall through into a orgy with devils and undead present
60 Running on moonlit moors at night from some beast in pursuit
61 Ghostly figure with face seems familiar, tries to strangle you
62 Your spirit leaves your body and dark claws fend you away from the light
63 Your friends are at your funeral and after they leave you arise undead and hungrily stalk them
64 Your dead loved ones call you from beyond the grave warning you about being betrayed by fellow adventurers
65 Phantoms of your parents appear, blame you for their deaths and tell you everything wrong with you, more ancestor spirits arrive from underworld to complain too
66 Spirits from graves pour out tormenting you, drag you to see hell and the underworld
67 See spirits rising into night sky where a vast faceless being in the sky consumes them, it becomes aware of you
68 A shadowy creature comes in your room and your spirit flees, is chased through a dungeon full of murdered torture victims
69 A shadowy phantom is in your bed stroking you and whispering evil utterances to you sweetly
70 Child phantoms follow you giggling as they touch your skin you see visions of their tragic lives and murders
71 A naked demon noble comes to greet you, inviting you into their palace, if you resist they violently beat you for defying them
72 Demons drag you to some shattered planar remnant world where demonic life threatens to devour or torment you at every turn, creatures chase you while you grow desperate for food, sleep and shelter
73 Demons have cut off your limbs and tongue then treat you like a baby and try to get you to suckle on ichor filled boils and sores on their bodies
74 Tiny demons are everywhere in your food and drink, in every shadow, then you see everything is made of tiny demons
75 Demons chase you then beat you with sticks and drag you to hell past tormented souls and collect a bounty from devil goalkeepers
76 A dream lover comes to you to make love, at the point of climax you see they are a demon that chokes you and draws out your soul
77 A demon prince has you naked in chains, a plaything at it's feet. Its attentions are loathsome and it's cruelties dehumanising, as you awake the demon says you belong to them forever
78 A demon sits on your chest stopping you breathing, you awake gasping for air
79 A smiling demon watches and whispers, even awake it seems near
80 Had feverish visions of demons around your bed, normally invisible but always there
81 Devils drag you to hell and force feed you coins and treasures painfully and then you painfully pass them while devils kick and beat you and call you names forever
82 Devils drag you to hell and throw you in a pit of venomous serpents that crawl inside you
83 Devils drag you to hell and throw you in a pit of venomous toads that crawl inside you
84 Devils drag you into a pit of live poison toads, rear your clothes off and shove toads int you, then a pit of vipers a pit of rats and a pit of lampreys etc
85 You are dragged into the underworld in chains and the judge of the dead recites your sins and vile acts and the punishments that awaits
86 Angels come to you and hold your arms, then they look grim and bend you to your knees then strikes you with a burning holy blade that ignites your body from within and it crumbles to glowing charcoal
87 You are in chains, naked and a devil is laughing and drinking and begins to flay your skin away revealing your damned soul
88 The gates of hell open and devils march forth to conquer and destroy creation, before them they unleash disasters and legions of evil damned dead, everybody dies as world burns
89 Imps swarm around you wrapping around you and giggling gleefully90 A duke of hell has you in chains and shows you his cruel torments but offers you freedom and power as hell's agent if you sell your soul
91 You lie in bed paralysed by night, strange lights and noises beset you and you can do nothing, then strange grey smallish naked figures begin to assemble around your bed. They probe your mind and feel inside your body using their alien science
92 An alien entity is in your mind feeling around your worst memories then its sinister psychic shadow strikes you with fear paralysing you. Then the thing draws you into itself in overspace to devour your souls over millennia
93 You fall into a pit of slime full of eyeballs, it swallows you up dissolving your flesh and soul
94 A tentacled horror of the deep grasps you pulling you into the darkness to devour you or worse
95 A figure stalks you in the dark foggy streets, a stumbling bloated white thing that always knows where you are like you are cursed
96 You are lost in a great underworld cave lit by unatural light, a squat sleepy elder god awakens and looks at you with lust
97 Black fluid flows through the floor and into your body, you scream as it invades your body and consumes your mind and soul
98 Revolting fungal beings snatch you at night flying you into the night to their far away lab on the moon, there they extract your brain placing it in a barrel like contraption and you are aware of your horrible condition like a pickle
99 You are swallowed up by some being from the void and your soul is devoured over thousands of years of torment
100 The black sun rises again and monsters are awakened around the world to feed and sacrifice the human vermin scuttling under their shambling titan feet
Friday, 17 January 2020
Elder Aeon Bestiary

Elder Aeon Bestiary* each after name is plus magic weapon needed to hit
Undead draw on powers of negative energy connected to the void, nightmare dimensions, shadow realm and other worlds
BX DnD has these monsters too
Bhut are awesome monster
Dusanu - a fungal spore carrying undead type with claws
Malfera - horned elephant demons with crab claws from the nightmare world
Mujina - faceless mimic people
Bhut - a sort of demon were undead monster that look horrific. These guys should be a regular evil race of demons im adopting them
AC 4 HD6-12 Mov 9 Swim 6 2d6 Fly 18 d8 tentaclex2 or grapple or ray gun
Frequently use heat ray 3d6 shots 12 range 18 but other weapons exist
Vegetal-flesh lhybrids made from non-terene matter can fly through the void
Barrel shaped bodies, tentacles for grasping and smaller ones for crawling
AC 4 HD 1-20 Mov 9 Swim 9 tentacle/3HD grapple then swollow d6/5HD
Regenerate d3 per round except vs fire or avid, cold can freeze them solid but they live
Servitors of the krinoids who revolted, biological machines, mass of mobile protoplasm
Swarm Wizard*
AC +3 HD4 Mov 12 Fly 15 2HP/round over 6m as swarm or as 4th level wizard, made of worms (no flight) or swarming insects, wears a robe, chattering voice
Often leads a cult in secret or protects some ruins and sites of occult evil or gates
Formless Spawn
AC +6 HD 6 Mov 12 2d6 Acid, black animated viscous fluid servers certain elder gods. Guard holy places and may deal with cultists. Liquid form is handy
Elder Stones*
AC +12 HD 6-12 Mov 3 2d8 2d8 Crush or vampire touch victim saves or they are stuck to the rock and lose 2d6 HP a round blood until drained dead. Only one person can be held at a time. Void entities long ago were bound into monoliths to be worshipped with blood and souls. The stones sleep for millennia and require a feeding ceremony from a cult to awake them but possibly a accidental spill might. Once awake by night they move swimming through the soil leaving no trace slowly and silently seeking prey. They can sense living beings within range 36. Usually after a feed they grind the desiccated corpse into dust and return to their ancient location. Some report seeing stones in the wrong places. These are why. Some cult leaders manage to communicate with them with magic and may direct them. Most are solitary but whole circles of them exist.
Mutant Spawn
AC +3 HD2 Mov 9 d6 Weapon or weapon limb, hideous slimy flesh, become increasingly alien with claws, tentacles, eyes, mouths, bristly exoskeleton, feelers & antenna
Slime Walkers
AC +3 HD2 Mov 6 2d6 Acid spit Liquefy victims then drink remains
Walk slowly but relentless, can smell humanoids to eat within a mile, when killed leave chrystaline drug crystals that maky user see other planes, too much makes you a slime walker. Left as guards in places. Communicate by low frequency whistles that blend into wind but change as they approach others and fight
Grey Invaders
Aliens from the void who travel through the void and even enter dreamlands or land on Psychon. Often carry energy weapons and has psionic powers and other devices
-Feral AC +3 HD 3 Move 15 d4 Clawx2 and beserkers +2 hit and damage fight till -10 HP
-spy AC +3 HD3 Mov 12 By weapon or psionics 2d6 Las pistol 12 shots 16 range
-worker AC +0 HD1 Mov 9 d3 punch or d6 club Mov 12
-guardians AC +5 HD 2 Nov 12 By weapon 3d6 Las gun 15 shots 36 range
-master AC +0 HD2 Mov 6 Fly 12 by weapon or psionics 2d6 Las pistol 12 shots 16 range
Nightmare Thing
AC +3 HD1 Mov 12 d4 Bite Mov 12 Burrow 1 d4 Bite, burrow in walls and whisper maddening utterances. 1in6 cast as a wizard Lv1 and many are familiars
Often cross over from nightmare lands with other creatures. Infestations in a house drive inhabitants mad or or make them flee. Once shunned worse can move in
Nightmare Beast*
AC +4 HD4 Move 15 Leap 3 2d4 Bite, invisible in darkness, gaze of fear range 12 save or run for a turn, Track any being they have been in eye contact with in waking world or dreamlands. Can travel between each other by certain locations they can sense. Prefer to stalk and scare them than kill, but will kill anyone who stops being afraid
Nightmare Daemon**
AC +12 HD12 Mov 12 Fly 18 2d8 Weapon, conceal self with illusions, phantasmal force at will, esp, dimension door, plane shift can make house size area by night overlap between nightmare plane and waking world. Many are Psionic also. Torment victims and try to lure them into nightmare land and kill bodies trapping them in their reality to enslave and mutate them into nightmare beings. Each has a nightmare castle with servants at home plane
Space Polyp**
AC +12 HD9 Mov 36 4d3 Touch, alien matter bodied creatures constantly changing tentacles horrors, fly and create wind and become invisible
Vapour spawn*
AC +6 HD3 Mov 9 d6 Blood Drain ignores armour, it fears fire and light attacks
A black cloud of vapour that preys in deep places or by night
Spectral Hound**
AC +10 HD6 Mov 18 3d4 Bite victims save or over a week fade away into the void, can be saved by powerful plane anchoring magics or brought back with a gate or planeshift. Teleport once per hour. Hounds peruse targets that break certain plane or time travelling laws or are sent by spells. They reform each night and come again three times. Once they know a target they can teleport wherever they are
Ultra terrestrials****
AC +20 HD20 Mov 9 3d6 Engulf d4 attacks per round vs different close targets, being within 3 range of one causes 1HP a round if made of organic matter, often starts before appear in a summoning ritual. They spy on people from spirit form and act with powers from another plane. Can possess a person but if succeeds the body takes a d6 damage per round till it finally explodes. Powers include telepathy, esp, d4 pyrokinesis, telekinetic grasp can lift person or snatch flying creature then move them with 10 fly speed possibly crushing them for a 2d6. Each round in our world they lose 1HP, can return to void at will but if trapped on earth they die. Can carry people inside them to the void or a pocket universe inside them or to a nightmare realm. When manifesting they are coloured lights, alien eyes, mouths. They expect to be worship and demand sacrifices
AC +10 HD10 Mov 18 2d6 Pressure touch or d4 pyrokinesis, telikinetic grasp can lift person or snatch flying creature then move them with 10 fly speed possibly crushing them for a d6 per round instead. Watch invisibly from spirit world and use powers from there. Can only appear in areas summoned and often require standing monoliths to create a web they can operate in. To defend a monolith may manifest as a dinosaur AC +7 d10 Bite or Horn or claw or tail three attacks, if this is killed they are banished for a d4 years. They can speak telepathically with initiated cultists in their area and call them if it observes threats. Lliogor are a planar invader race who enjoy worship and sacrifice often work with a greater god as a intermediate or guard a location
Void Fungus
AC +3 HD4 Mov 6 Fly18 d6 Clawsx2 or by ranged weapon usually a 2d6 spark gun but some heavier weapons too. Fog projectors make a expanding cloud grows 3 diameter a round for 100 charges. If not windy fog last d4 hours. Come here to mine rare minerals and harvest brains they use for computers. They like to experiment on life inflicting surgical mutations, abhumans and making surgical construct monsters. They often have a secret local base in a mountain or cave and they often have a local cult to serve them of local life. They fly into the night sky they can travel to the void and other worlds
Vapour Spawn*
AC +6 HD8 Mov 18 3d4 Touch as they enter body ignoring armour, victim saves after fight if hurt if fails after a week of fevers and nightmares they die screaming as their bodily fluids boil out and become a new vapour spawn. They are brought to world by summoners or sent by outer gods, they lurk in dark and haunted places
Void Spore*
AC +3 HD1 Mov 1 Float 9 d4 Spine save or paralysed for a hour in pain, resemble microscopic plankton or pollen floats slightly out of phase with reality allowing it to float. Semi translucent and some are luminescent or colour changing. If it is cut off from its plane it crawls slowly and its spines are more like slinky floppy tentacles but still sting. 1in6 can shoot a spine
Void Spawn
AC +3 HD8 Mov 6 2d6 Life drain touch a d4 attacks per round as tentacles grow and are absorbs, cannot grapple as not fully solid, can move through solid matter and feels no movement mods for terrain or walls. Several may herd victims together to a kill zone or spawn used like dogs by some greater void horror
Void Plankton
AC +3 HD3 Mov 6 Float 9 2d6 stinging tentacle save or -2 all actions from pain for hour, tentacle once hits someone leaves stingers keep causing 1HP pain for d4 rounds after. These look like microscopic crustacean that float about in the aether, when called into world their alien matter lets them float as near weightless yet ignore wind. They float invisibly in their dimension parallel to ours constantly. Once they can be seen see you and are ravenous, once one attacks others will come to feed 1in6 chance per round a d3 more appear
Void Worm*
AC +3 HD1 Mov 9 Float 3 2d4 once hit suck a d3 HP per round automatically and tail grapples, long white fleshy worm with a mouth orifice with a single fang. Can change how in phase thy are, when partially phased into world they float and require magic weapons to hit. If they bite in this state they become fully solid. When solid they crawl and are vulnerable and can grab victims to feed. If killed they fade away
Void Swarm*
AC +5 HD2 Mov 6 d4 all in 6m area ignore armour. Dwell in overspace mostly are food for other horrors but can be summoned and trapped and they are keen to kill or be killed. They resemble a mass of semi translucent glowing insects not entirely solid
Void Walkers*
AC +6 HD4 Mov 6 2d4 Clawx2 if both hit get a bonus grapple attack, if grapple they phase to their home dimension to feed. Walk through walls and can plane shift. Often called to hunt enemies by cult wizards
Void Elemental**
AC +7 HD8 Mov 6 2d6 Touch d3 CON drain lasts d3 days at zero HP or CON at zero and arise as a shadow. Powerful wizards summon them but they are hungry things and their black void hurts to look at
Void Shark*
AC +10 HD9-14 Mov 36 4d6 Bite, anything they kill has soul devoured and heals the shark a d6 HP, mostly they swim through other planes and if partially manifest in real world they swim though the air to attack. Some fully manifest do not require magic to harm but live in water and only move at 12 Swim speed. Hungry and malevolent spirits that have thrived from devouring others and now only exist to eat
Void Knight**
AC +10 HD5 Mov 9 2d6 Sword plus each hit drains 1 INT lasts for a day, Invisible in darkness and hidden in shadows (require spot check). Fear aura anything 4HD or less save or flee in fear for a turn. Curse gaze cause one foe a round to save vs curse (d4 1=-4 saves 2=-4hit 3=magic healing wont work 4=half move) requiring a remove curse. The same target might get hit with more than one curse. Can create a circle of darkness 3 radius. They can see souls in magical darkness. These champion antipaladins of the void were rewarded. Clerics can turn them
Void Squid*
AC +4 HD12 Mov 18 d6 Tentacles x10 d8 Beak or tentacles can grapple, when enough victims grappled will snatch you into another dimension to finish and eat. Moves by levitation Telepathy, esp and plane shift at will. Hungry beings that somehow get cults who call squid to feed them. They dont spend long in our world as they take a HP damage per round
Void Spirit**
AC +7 HD6 Mov 18 d6 Touch is a point of extreme pressure ignores armour. May possess a person but both take 1HP damage a round. If the victim dies first the spirit takes their soul and flees dimension. The spirit wont stay in a body unless some how trapped and will flee plane before risking self. They haunt certain stones and depressions in the earth and haunted hills where people once worshipped them
Void Vampire**
AC +9 HD6 Mov 15 Fly 3 2d6 Drain plus 1 WIS point, recovers over d4 days, spirits from beyond observe a desirable victim from afar and begin to taunt them especially in dreams. Eventually they will possess a body and begin to kill and feed. Victims drained become jujuzombie servants of the vampire and follow its telepathic instructions. When it has a body and servants and possibly a cult then it will approach it's true love and offers them chance to join them in the void for eternity. If rejected it sends its minions to kill and torment to former love object and devotes itself to ruining their life. If host is killed spirit returns to the void to try again
Void Daemon**
AC +14 HD12 Mov 12 Fly 18 3d6 Weapon and 2d6+entangle whip, the arms burn with black flame. A entangled foe has a level drained per round until they break free or cut the whip. The sword on a roll of 20 requires a save roll or die from death magic and arises as a wight instantly. Can summon 2d4 shadows once per day. The demon is summoned from the void and when set free will go on a killing spree till sated and returns to its world. They are not very interested in this reality but still get worshipped.
Void kraken***
AC +10 HD15 Mov 15 Swim 12 Fly 9 2d6 Tentacle x 20 and 2d8 Beaks, are evil outsider lesser gods hidden under sea since creation. Plane shift and teleport at will, telepathy, esp and true sight powers. Immune to spells of 6th level or less. Often a high level wizard of some kind or psionics user. Will try to establish a cult to call it too this world for feed and influence. Will aid worshippers and mutate some chosen to create monster vassals. Expect to be treated as a god and can call all kinds of creatures to serve them.
Wednesday, 8 January 2020
Lazy Sorcerer Origins for My Game

Spicy Soiree of the Saucy Sorceress.....ok so i really use a sorcerer class in my bx type games and I like it as a alt magic system. So as I'm using sorcerers as a more common magic to cover lots of roles. Almost any village might have one sorcerer possibly only a few levels and many keep it a secret or join up for a while with other sorcery groups for a while before going own way. Many 1st lv sorcerers keep it a secret and possibly family helped hide it. Especially where witches are feared or used as scapegoats.
Witches I mostly use as a legal term for unlawful user of magic not a class.
especially on your neighbours or kin. But most often they will be like one of these....
Cults are often referred too as witch cults because they have secret beliefs and goals and they cast spells on people. They have no official sanction or education and are not forsworn to possibly enemy powers.
Wizards go to school and study hard often close with a master
Wizards need literacy or symbols or other symbolic marks making language
Wizards build towers and several of them make a school and lots make a university
Wizards work hard to study and use occult knowledge to learn more powers
Wizards use spell components while casting spells
Wizard familiars guide and encourage masters to follow extremes of alignment
Wizards establish guilds, magical orders and schools dedicated to occult science
Wizards think sorcerers are wasted talent and lazy idots
Sorcerers innate magical spell powers are from bloodlines or making otherworldly pacts
Sorcerers need to learn to control and understand powers when young and awkward
Sorcerers are worldly preferring lives of indolence and vice cults in a pleasure dome
Sorcerers grow in power gaining new abilities after a fever and dreams
Sorcerers burn incense, use perfumes, drink and take drugs when resting to recover magic
Sorcerers familiars know their master body and soul belongs to the outer powers
Sorcerers start cults but after a while they burn out and split up and many go own way
Sorcerers think wizards are try hards and bossy bores
I'm still a bit vague here on power source in reality...
Are blood borne sorcerers ancestral patrons basically born with a patron
I do like letting wizards study sorcerers for new spells...
Sorcerers often talk crap about magic and make stuff up like con men as them mostly did not have a legit university schooling like a wizard has.
Instead of meditating quietly for 8 hours learning spells sorcerers might
-abuse of drugs of all kinds in a expensive binge
-ritual sex or orgies but this gets expensive
-chanting while drinking self unconscious
-meditating with mandalas and lots of trinkets
-entering dream trances for otherworldly contact
-study an artwork or make a mandala in a trance-dancing in a trance possibly with a simple instrument and chanting. Other art forms are possible
-eating and fasting are two extremes, depends if you want to be large or scrawny
-burn expensive oils, herbs, candles and incense and other offerings
-consult star charts and pour over occult books and wildly speculate or make up stuff
-starvation and physical ordeals like sitting on spikes or walking over coals
-dancing preferably to music possibly with chanting
Sorcerers might gain minor mutations based on patron with new spells like horsns, pointy nails, sharp teeth, skin colour....Also though gain tatoos or witches marks as you gain spells
d12 Backgrounds For Sorcerers.
1 Born with a exotic supernatural being in your bloodline often related to the types of spells and alignment. You began to have dreams and found clues of your heritage and sought others like yourself. Many who taught you were charlatans and mystery cults before learning the basics of self control for yourself. Elemental, Diabolic, Demonic, Draconoic, Faerie are common lines. Your family of others with the bloodline are your clan allies
2 You joined a witch cult and you showed talent and got to make a pact with a planar patron being often a minor divinity, demon or spirit that guides you. These have strong alignments but it is possible to change patrons. Joining the inner circle you were driven out by rivals in the cult and have struck out on your own finding other outcasts to hone your craft
3 Powerful beings have inscribed to with symbols and magical tattoos. Others of your breed know of these tattoos and can add new ones or even change them. The loose organisations of tattoo sorcerers have various speculations on how it works, The process is very painful but not as bad as the first times something made marks on you.
4 You stumbled across books and whispers of strange rituals possibly from a cult but you went out on your own to make a pact with some being away from the controlling eyes of organised cults. More a loner but you did pick up some technique from other loners you met. Your other world patron is not too demanding
5 You joined a organised cult promising powers and love and euphoric states of ecstasy. But the master saw you had real talent and took you to the inner circle. Keeping you close with other talented youths for training you aided the master obtain sex, drugs and influence before the whole thing collapsed and you all had to scatter
6 You were given free schooling tests and more tests and a sect sent you to school recognising some ability in you. The school has trained and educated you to serve the nobility of the region but put the schools schemes first. Well versed in temple rites and titles and robes your sect eventually are out to see the world on your own
7 You were found among orphans and tested and taken to a mercenary sorcerers guild who trained you as a battlefield sorcerer. Assisting veterans you have seen war, looting and the harsh life of the military and privilege it earns. You have gone freelance to make your own fortune and see if their is more to profit
8 You contacted some being in your dreams and bargained your own pact with it. An obscure and secretive being it is only making small efforts in the mortal world and is happy for you to dwell in secrecy
9 Children born under certain auspicious stars are taken or watched by a secret order and monitored to see if they have the arcane power within. The chosen ones are taken to the secret lodge and raised as agents in the orders cause. Sent out into the world to study it you may receive bidding from the order to do some strange bidding.
10 You were taken by an old sorcerer as a child and raised as their student. The teacher was mean but made your powers mighty enough to walk out of that secret hidden hall
11 You were selected to inherit a terrible power handed down from a old a dying sorcerer into you and other chosen through a ritual. The old sorcerer dies and power flowed into your peers and your body in a painful ritual. The sect that does this did expect you would be obedient and grateful for giving you powers
12 You were feared by others for your occasional odd abilities when a older sorcerer met you and took you away into a life of adventure that lasted years. They introduced you to elder powers within your blood. Eventually you realised they were abusive and patronising and you want your own path. They are displeased by your decision you are ambivalent and wary of their intentions. Its gotten awkward
Signs the Old Ones Were Here
I've done probably too many things like this but here goes.
Signs the Old Ones Were Here
In many places the folk of the wilds will show to you strange hidden signs like these. Some are local landmarks near roads or villages and locals have superstitions about them. But some areas they are common, one per mile. Then their are the areas near their cities and special places where ancient wars happened where you see more. They were made late in the dawn age then into the age of night diminishing to none by the end of that aeon. Since then most such signs made by human like peoples. These things get wierder and bigger so feel free to use lower dice like d50 or d20 for non mind blasting horrors of the past.
A previous things i found
Prehistoric Landmarks
Megalithic Ruins
Ancient Rock Art
Prehistoric monuments
Stone Age Relics
Boulder Features
You could roll a bunch of d12 or roll on d100
Feel free to mix results of tables or not
d12 Some Sources of Signs
1 Demi humans and fae folk ancestors and royalty and wilderness spirits and animals
2 Humanoid gods and heroes former slave races now wild and free
3 Planar beings once walked the earth until the creator gods built otherworldly homes for them. Possibly these were actually prisons
4 Abhuman ancestors, the fist ancestors in dawn, kin to men with beast or planar powers
5 Giants and troll kind when they rivalled the gods but most were wiped out or imprisoned
6 Mutant Ancients the first generation to carry a specific mutagen reagent or type bloodline
7 Dragons erected stones and monuments too and carved runes on them often adopted by reptilian types or draconic abhumans (oh yes lizard men built them honest)
8 Ancient human cultists (many are more like abhumans) feared alien gods
9 Ancient human hero cults made monuments to deeds of legend and divinities
10 Krinoids with shoggoth workers wonder workers of the age of darkness
11 Void Kraken, greater outsider demons who came to be worshipped and feed
12 Deities walked the earth until the worlds were separated at the end of the dawn age. After that it was saints and heroes devoted to gods and great monsters
d12 Some types of Signs
1 Scars from ancient magical battle took place and struck by gods weapons
2 Carved glyphs and pictures in rocks, often telling story or maps of area
3 Footprints of primordial beings walking the earth
4 Burned places with areas with glass surface from magical destruction
5 Craters from impacts when things fell from the stars when the gods battled
6 Rubble in area was once a palace from the dawn age reduced to scattered rubble
7 Petrified bodies of primordial beings killed by magic often in rocks, hills or mountains
8 Skeletons of primordial beings partially buried or fossil bones in rock faces
9 Huge earthwork hills, stones, walls or dams and other large scale land forming
10 Stone monoliths erected by all kinds of beings as seasonal holy places in old times
11 Remains of statue or relief scenes in rockface, often worn but huge in scale
12 Magical sigils and runes, some require special means to see or may glow at times
d12 Stories of the Old Ones Locals Know
1 How several gods cooperated to drive out the outer gods of the void
2 Gods battling giants and their monsters to dominate the world
3 How the wicked races were driven into caves and holes and wells and dank places
4 A great being came this way one on a quest or hunt
5 Mighty beings battled here shaping land with weapons and dead allies corpses
6 A great monster was slain here often by a hero or god
7 How some gods turned bad and used power of the void to usurp creation
8 Ancient wizards were evil beings sucking the life from creation and cursing the land
9 Wizards are hard to kill and make stay dead, best kill them when you can
10 Cult pilgrims seasonally come best keep children and livestock inside
11 Many of those signs are where bad things or forgotten things left power and knowledge
12 These signs are a warning to stay away especial at night or solstices or when the stars are right and strangers and cults come meddling with them
d12 What do the experts say?
1 Acknowledged as a genuine miracle of good vs evil long ago
2 These ancient witch marks should be destroyed with holy symbols
3 It is unhealthy and dangerous to meddle with them
4 Sometimes you can translate ancient texts and learn lore for wizard spell research
5 Locals tell a official story a priest told them but some know older stranger stories
6 They are remains of non humans from before humans claimed it all
7 Proof vast epochs of non human life thrived long ago
8 Cultists come to these places for evil powers such places hold
9 Don't go to such places alone or let children play near them
10 Those people who made it are not all gone and claim the land as theirs still
11 Many of ancients were killed of when our ancestors came
12 When human ancestors came here they inter married with the old dwellers here
d12 What do they say happens to visitors spending the night here?
1 Have strange dreams of the cult demon orgies long ago, eventually you see yourself and the demon thing sees you
2 Some people get strange panic attacks here 1in6 chance per hour as fear. Some people and animals found dead
3 Some people disappeared here to faerie land or giant land or some other dream land
4 Good animals avoid the place and are uncomfortable here, wicked animals are attracted
5 Witches and cults meed here for forbidden rituals, the place feels odd especially at night
6 Human sacrifice and cannibalism took place here, human bone fragments remain
7 Beware witch cults on pilgrimages of such sites, best call inquisition
8 Spirits are attracted to the place some are dangerous to visitors
9 Demons used to come here long ago for sacrifices and cult rites
10 Strange and terrible people lived here once who were all murdered leaving angry spirits
11 Strange creatures were once called here from another world by elder magicians, the place is still easy for them to visit the world was torn so much from all the summoning
12 People are struck with madness often in form of berserk rage against the non berserk
d12 What about Blessings
1 Some say a baby brought to place will not fear disease for a year
2 Maidens leaping about naked over fires here will be especially fertile
3 Moonlite gatherings to drink and make love happen monthly
4 May commune with spirits or elves or other being on full moon
5 Pray here for a turn and receive a Bless spell effect for one hour
6 Heals visitor who preys for a turn or bathes in waters here heals d3 HP
7 Perform a blood sacrifice here and awaken some ancient thing sealed here
8 Have otherworldly dreams of the old gods, with a WIS roll they will notice you
9 If 100 people chant here it will eventually rain after 3d100 hours once a month only
10 Animals that graze here grow bigger, more fertile and more indomitable
11 Walking here on solstice eve to sacrifice to your ancestors is the best time
12 Many magicians in such places feel strange awakening here
d100 Prehistoric Signs
1 strange symbols carved in rocks in area cover hundreds of foot of cliff
2 Strange symbols found on certain rocks in area especially ones with shelter or on borders
3 A scary hybrid human painted figure with horns and strange eyes in a cave
4 Symbols and depictions of creatures worshipped or used as border stone
5 Symbols of stars and constellations as they were long ago
6 Painted images of hunters pursuing creatures with spears long ago
7 Rock modified and once painted to resemble some ancient creature, now mostly worn
8 Signs on stone wall have more recent holy symbols carved over the top
9 Stone signs on rock face badly worn
10 Huge figure carved into ground or hill, hard to see from ground
11 Ancient rock inscription in several ancient languages
12 Part of standing figure walking on tiny figures in dismay, head was chilled off long ago
13 Stone erected has various symbols, possibly some kind of border stone
14 Scone carving of a hybrid human with bestial features
15 Carving of predatory monster from the past once greatly feared in these parts
16 Carving of worn symbol in highplace
17 Huge stone rock with vaguely worn face carved long ago or petrified
18 Cave with multiple galleries of paintings and some carvings
19 Stone altar worn smooth by aeons of use often with some other monoliths
20 Stone circle once used as a gateway by ancients
21 Cliffs and rocks full of petrified sea creatures some similar to current sealife
22 Silhouettes and bones of dinosaurs and megafauna monsters of ancient times
23 Stone footprints that seem to be great monsters hunting each other in a river bed
24 Stone eggs petrified somehow, some broken ones have baby dragons
25 Masses of jumbled petrified bones make up all the rocks, some recognisable but bigger
26 Gigantic carapace or skeletal remains of some titanic creature
27 Cave or sinkhole with ancient bones known to hunters in area
28 Stone creatures buried in rock, signs some were removed
29 Petrified logs and tree stumps of stone from ancient forest
30 A hidden crystal or amber lump with remains of hideous creature inside
31 Hundreds of hand prints on a sheltered rock wall, some are not human
32 Crude drawings of monster eating tiny people trying to fight it and fleeing
33 Sequence of paintings of people using magic to sealing away the evil ones
34 Painted cave with sequences of horned warriors fighting chaos and monster wizards
35 Cliff painting of a wizard performing a summoning or raising the undead
36 Rock scratching of a great hungry mouth appearing in the sky that gobbled up part of the world
37 Wall paintings of underworld magicians restoring life to animal remains with magic
38 Wall painting of cave underground with scenes of titans imprisoned in the underworld
39 Faded prehistoric scratching of kaiju or god or demon defeated by tribal people together
40 Great mural in rock of wizard opening a gateway or shaman in the dream lands
41 Large upright stone with a niche once used for human heads in a ritua 1in6 skulls remaining still in ones found out of the way
42 Huge stone table where mammoth kings gathered with the Auroch and Sabretooth and Bear tribes met to unite against the monsters who brought a age of black magic long ago
43 Several stone monoliths in circle said to by petrified giants that allied themselves with darkness
44 A huge stone dolmun shape stack of stones moved by wizards commanding beings they summoned
45 Faeirie erected tall dolmen with holes through them in lines over huge distandes
46 Black polished bassault in strange lines across world all quarried from a frozen ruined city of chaos beings in the far north
47 Triangular Pillars of basalt often in threes left by serpent folkand often destroyed by other peoples
48 Crystal piillrs found sealed under hill forts
49 Concentric rings of stones sometimes 10-50 rings sometimes have some colour patterns too
50 Low dry rock wall as a barrier made long ago between territories, very old
51 Wolf head caves have been carved into rock face long ago by some wolf cul
52 Skull rock cave has been modified to exaggerate skull like entrance and infamous ogre lair
53 Witch cave has a chamber lit from a sinkhole with thirteen pillars said to be petrified prehistoric witches
54 Tunnels actually burrows of some clan of giant armadillos or sloths an aeon ago, now crawling with cave life, 1in6 have water in the depths
55 Great cavern with huge ancient fire pit used by druids, priests and wizards long ago at seasonal clan meetings events
56 Sinkholes with openings into flooded tomb caves where undead reptile peoples, frog things and albino crocs live in flooded sacrificial temple with carved rock relief art of lizard vampire kings
57 Sealed cave entrance to forbidden underland city of monster race of old. Blocked with rubble and ornate carved walls from when they enslaved surface folk then fled.
58 Enterance to a vast vavernous underworld
59 Cave where once dragons nested, scratchings depict when men killed dragons
60 Cave is huge and leads to hidden sinkhole village with well and light from above
61 Dungeon complex intended to survive ancient apocalype,often degenerat inhabitants still dwelling in them but 1in6 pristine ancient civilisation lived hidden from the sun
62 Buried temple of reptile cult often inhabited by cursed monsters with strange powers
63 Buried long ago when gods dropped fiery mountains on the monster kings great cities such as Malak, Grotun or Valaar now these are buried under ash and are complexes full of monsters and treasure still. Some even have degenerate subtereanean peoples or strange underland races
64 Great crystal cysts dome in the earth strangely illuminated by strange magical glows. Tiny fragile prehistoric terrariums or vast caves a world in microcosm. Signs a gods like being dwelled here once and made this possibly a servitor race remains
65 Great tomb complex of ancients, huge artworks carved into cliffs sealed with slabs. Most were warded with powerful magic. Most long ago plundered but now most are lairs now. 1in6 are intact with magical guardians and traps and undead
66 Magic hill once a great tomb hill then a hill fort and even a village now abandoned but tunnels inside to old magic chambers some where elves hid in the faerieland version of the same monument feasting and drinking forever
67 Great plug seals in mountains of basalt with strange silvery symbols, but most worn long ago, broken to release a captive demon. Some runnels are huge and ocupied by humanoid demon worshippers and evilsects 1in6 are intact mostly long lost demon names without cults or wizards to help them
68 A hidden megalithic underground tunnel complex into a great earth temple with statues of the hill mother, mammoth and bear spirit and many other divinities and spirits depicted as idols 50+d100 idols arranged in chamber
69 A kaiju was killed and became a ountain over time. It is riddled with tunnels and monsters
70 Ruined corpse city of void squid and their alien necromancer slaves, buried under its protective barrier glaciers by rubble, now deep but intact city of stone now inhabited by mindless slimes and tentacled things and mould but alien relics with strange powers come from their
71 Great stone bridge a sindle huge slab 120 foot long with some work over a span above a river used by travellers for centuries and near other stone monoliths and wells
72 Walkway carved into a thin ledge allowing a passage across mountain range, 1in6 are ill kept and require some daring jumps and climbs to work
73 Forrest paths through dark woods with troll menhirs erected each "giant mile", 1in6 have a shack shrine to camp in made of crude stacked stones
74 Some remains of what was once a series of giant dam walls held back some huge volume of water and was broken to flood cities of the monster kings in the final war with evil
75 Terraces built into hills long ago for agriculture, now overgrown with luscious vegetation and wild food plants and grazing animals
76 Valleys all are shaped with rocks and trees directing foolish prey into ambush zones and pits. Camp site fires and large bone piles are common
77 Hills formed from discarded shell fish and camp fires
78 Riverbed and waterfall carved with relief symbols and depictions of ancient divinities also good for laundry
79 Huge remains of a aqueduct crossing land for miles sometimes goes underground
80 Stone road made with slabs and cut into hills and mountains by some ancient empire
81 Crumbling cyclopean stone ruins struck by some great disaster long ago. 1in6 times there are visible relief art still depicting gloomy slave city of ancient monsters
82 Stone lined pits in field and foundations from a prehistoric city, abandoned thousands of years ago
83 Huge stone vaults used as store chambers still used or accessible under some village for emergencies, used to hide people at times of crisis or food in peace
84 Remains of ancient city carved into soft wind eroded stone hills where thousands once dwelled,long ago abandoned for evil things of the wild
85 Crumbling brick hill once a mud brick ziguratt collapsed long ago with trees and marshy bog around it once canals, strange tablets and chambers are sometimes found but also monsters like sphynxes or demons
86 Stone prehistoric city smothered by mud and ash then freed again since recent earthquakes and erosion where water flows
87 Remains of a artificial ramp to a mountain where a pile of rubble shows a great burred portal to the underworld was here
88 Valley of shattered monoliths of evil wizard cult that could move and craved blood, all were brought here and shattered. Only a few escaped the destruction
89 Remains of a 16 foot high stone wall that ran for miles enclosing an area for something inside long ago. Large areas have been robbed for stone
90 Artificial hill island in a lake or large moat with hidden tomb enterance
91 A great archway in a field of stone, carved sigils and altars in a grouping was once part of a magical gate used by void worshipping star elves as gateways to other worlds
92 A huge raised disc of stone with huge stairs and a worn throne where giant kings were once enthroned. Some ancient power remains that gave giant chiefs power
93 A circular meadow valley pasture with several entrances with crude giant stone figures and heads of gods and kings 1in6 are of ancient humans. Goats like to live here and there are a d6 entrances and mostly hidden from common use
94 Rock carved palace with columns, relief images of gods and beast and plants, pictures of ancient inhabitants working for their inhuman pharoah. Mostly rubbish remains here and some camps and animal lairs but was once spectacular. Often several complexes are side by side
95 Huge figure often reclining carved into hillside on a long worn road often have a well or pool with plants and fish and fruit
96 A small green stone pyramid shape but taller carved with sigils of the elder ones from beond
96 A tower often on a ledge or mountain or in a lake, no entrance in lower floors but a window thirty foot up, very old and strange thought of as a wizard tower, moulded from stone by magic
97 Worn hill graves now eroded exposing angry dead to elements, some want to bury them again some want to destroy someone else will want to use as a army
98 Glassy crater where some great bolt from the sun god fell while battling the cosmic dragon of darkness
99 Top or a rocky outcrop that is very hard to reach has a tiny rock carved shack but nobody knows how it got their. Something is seen glinting
100 A great circular series of hill forts representing the elder zodiac, each has a monster and a challenge to overcome to travel to the otherworld to see the gods. Nowdays it is a lot harder to see the once made by person earthworks. From above you can see the hydra and the other signs.
Malak, Grotun or Valaar, The Forbidden Cities of the Old Ones....
Strangely finding lots of BX references to a nightmare world of darkness
So I also have a dreamlands that overlap with faerieland and other magic worlds
More ideas on this stuff happening
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