Showing posts with label bugbears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bugbears. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 September 2018

d100 Dungeon Dimension Discoveries

So these are some extra weird dungeon locations when entering the dungeon dimension. Or just to make dungeons more horrible.

d100 Dungeon Dimension Discoveries
01 Goblinoid town influenced by when there was a gate to 1920s chicago. Bugbear bootleggers run the town and da boss even has a 1926 ford model-t. The town is built like a earth slum of the 20s and the goblins wear suitable fashion
02 A huge bakery complex where goblins bake magic pies following directions from wizards. Each pie enters a secret room where it gets the secret ingredient, then is given time to stop glowing after. Then the pies are delivered about the dungeon to be used as bait for traps
03 A crystaline cavern where adorable crystal furniture animals live guarded by psionic elves
04 Great maze of webs ruled by inteligent evil mage spiders and served by their goblin thralls
05 Great smoking volcanic cave where witches feast and hold orgies with devils
06 Tesseract chamber with MC Esher like stair cases, strange gravity and magic traps guarding a relic
07 Chamber of dust covered corpses from the surface world, spectral minions will arise and tell their story and may be convinced to fight in a battle
08 A goblin market with food, stalls, games, music, drinking and mushroom fueled drug orgies
09 A maze of magic mirrors with teleporter pads, dopelgangers, magic traps and cursed mirrors guarding a great treasure
10 A great cave with a slumbering bat eared frog god, cultists dance before it and it's monoliths
11 Great cavern of slime and ooze where the slime demon prince comes to visit and hear plaintiffs who seek his knowledge and power over slime
12 Great chamber with rows of basalt columns etched with ancient occult lore useful for spell research
13 Huge dark cistern supported by hundreds of columns. Various secret doors and stairways connect to other dungeon sections and dank aquatic creatures lurk
14 A great cavern lake with albino water monsters and islands with long forgotten ruins 
15 A huge mausoleum with hundreds of stone sarcophagi, burial niches and several ancient crypts
16 A huge magically lit camber with a manor house and a garden maze. Inside curses, ghosts and mad inbred magicians roam
17 A semi sunken ruined city swallowed up from somewhere long ago with prehuman relief carvings and degenerate fish men dwelling sparsely in the submerged buildings and pools
18 A great windy cavern with red rock painted cliff faces. Desiccated human remains ritually exposed on totemic poles and in.painted bark tubes buried in niches abound. Ancient angry spirits guard prehistoric relics made from wood, flint, quartz, hair, bones and teeth  20 A frigid chasm with prehistoric obsidian wizard towers buried in ice with undead mammoths and sabre cats and dire wolves. A clan of giants eat the shy hidden cave folk and white apes
21 Chasm of illusions, glorious heavenly chasm of light concealing demons monsters and torture victims crucified upside down
22 Great chasm of lava pits and flames where fire creatures frolic and cultists sacrifice victims to them by hurling them into flaming pits
23 Great water filled dark cavern with a whirlpool, water elemental creatures break out of the vortex occasionally and are welcomed by cultists by drowning sacrifices
24 Great cavern with a great sucking pit of darkness, drawing in air, occasionaly an air elemental being escapes. Cultist playing musical instruments and chanting greet them while strangling victims them pulling out their lungs
25 A great spasming loose earthen mound in a cave spews forth occasional earth elemental beings, cultists welcome them with libations of blood from screaming victims
26 A great complex full of zombies operating machines in an assembly line making new composite undead directed by a lich who brings the constructs to life
27 A goblin village with huge scale nurseries with bugbear nannies and hobgoblin guards
28 A goblin village where goblins live simple village lives growing fungus, raising cave lizards and giant bugs and frequent goblin markets  
29 A goblin mine complex where hard working goblins dig up gems and ore with a roller coaster like mining cars, miners shacks, blacksmith huts, waterfalls and rotting support beams
30 Orc spawning pits operated by cult of wizards, orcs are being made from pits of mud using spells then the orcs are equiped and trained
31 Orc fortress, a black square fortified wall, with towers and a gate house where orcs are trained and drill in preparation for war, serving a orc king or a evil wizard or priest 
32 A ruined temple dedicated evil god, with many statues that can animate, curses and mummy crypts
33 A wicker man crammed full of sacrifices with goatmen dancing about it ready to burn the victims
34 A huge demonic statue with cultists performing rituals before it with great flaming braziers  
35 Wizard apprentices operating an apocalyptic giant scale magical machine, fueling and operating it to create monsters, then driving them into teleporter pads to send them around dungeons 
36 Wizards apprentices on assembly line treating chicken eggs with alchemical potions then hatching lizard men, dinosaurs and giant lizards
37 Witches with spawning pools of frogs making giant amphibians and frogmen with alchemical brews from cauldrons
38 Wizards apprentices carving statues of monsters for masters to change into living flesh, then caging and shipping off around the dungeon
39 Priests preying to statue and summoning monsters from their god to populate the dungeon
40 Wizard complex where wizards surgically operate on humans and animals to create beastmen they keep in cages 
41 A huge raised ballroom in a cavern, lower areas full of mist and graves. Frequently vampire nobles meet here to have a ball. Human victims are hung upside down with spigots in their neck to feed vampire guests. Several ghoul servants clean and serve and guard
42 A chasm where a chained evil titan sleeps, wizards are tapping its blood to create monsters that are stored in cages to be shipped around dungeon
43 Chaos cultist temple with chaos portal where victims are thrown in and chaos monsters and mutants come out
44 Evil dwarf brewery complex making and testing various beers bottled in ceramic bottles. They are too busy to tak or fight but offer beer if you go away. Sometimes the beer is in fact beserker potions
45 Kobold factory complex making traps, secret doors, chests and other dungeon fixtures. Some are packaged in boxed kits. The kobolds are not hostile and flee screaming if combat breaks out into secret tiny doors 
46 Large machine operated by zombies where corpses fed in and zombies come out
47 Sprawling open chamber with giant tavern where monsters come to drink and unwind with horrible entertainment and food for various races
48 Huge gobling mushroom tannerey, making shroom leather armour and clothing for monsters. Various visiting creatures visit to buy goods and are willing to trade with humans
49 Complex where wizards enlarge normal animals into giant dungeon dwelling ones. Animals shipped in and out in cages with orc servants
50 Wizard sculpture shop where apprentices making golems and statue constructs of various types on assembly lines
51 Lake of evil protoplasm with strange eerie changing colours, will influence those near by to evil alignment and deeds. If you touch it, drink it save or become servant of the dungeon genius loci spirit. If you fall in you are transformed into a dungeon monster. Cultists come to worship and sacrificing victims to it, 1in6 times the cult build a floating evil town on top

52 A great hall with statues of evil gods in a row, where evil pilgrim cultists and monsters come to prey
53 Huge sprawling torture chamber where monsters torture prisoners, returning them into mutants and beastmen, directed by a devil
54 A cultist temple where a demon dwells
55 A evil town ruled by were swine, where evil traders visit for a tax to enter. All kinds of monsters, cultists end evil enemy agents are here
56 A great shrine of the goatmen, where they dance, feast, sacrifice victims and worship the evil dungeon spirit
57 A depository and foundry for cursed items where wizards make evil and dangerous to use items to be left around the dungeon
58 A monastary where evil monks make potions, evil figurines and shrine idols
59 A ruined monastary where gargoyles breed, with all sizes of gargoyles
60 A huge stinking harpy nest with a savage pecking order, sprawling feces filled nests, rotting corpses and treasures
61 A island in a huge cavern lake where sirens lure in victims to eat with illusionary lotus groves, luxuries and attractive women
62 Magical lit cave with sprawling ruins overgrown with trees. Various faerie and sylvan beings are trapped here and are very protective. Suspicious but might help
63 A large camp of awol soldiers working as mercenaries for the dungeon and partially assimilated. Some are mutated
64 A cavern with a ruined camp and a massacred adventurer party, several crucified and left near dead
65 Ruined temple occupied by baboons and carnivorous apes who guards a treasure. Vines grow everywhere
66 A chamber with plaza full of gates and teleporter pads, 1in6 encounter per turn
67 A ruined castle with animated armour guarding it's treasure ruled by a spectre wizard
68 A monster circus with mutant clowns, caged monsters and visiting creatures. With stalls and side show games. Monsters are mostly peaceful while here, some bring their kids
69 A ruined castle ruled by a noble vampire with undead servants
70 A great sewerage treatment works where certain monsters are bread in filth or feed off it attended by rat men and rat faced goblins
71 Sprawling wizard boarding school where apprentices learn from masters and the headmaster is a 
72 A mock village where monsters study imprisoned humans who cannot leave, directed by wizards and priests who aim to extract information from prisoners who are tested with illusions, mind control and doppelganger infiltrators
73 A mass of wrecked ships semi submerged with aquatic monsters and a shanty town of pirates, criminals and scum who believe they are in hell
74 A ziggurat of the vampire bat goddess
75 Ruined complex of the serpent men
76 Lake filled cavern with floating town of lizard men
77 Dark elf village in a fungus forest
78 Huge sprawling fungus cave where family of cyclops live off giant lizards and goblins
79 Gigantic web with a spider diviner elder sitting as it has for an aeon, a spider cult and giant mage spider wizards seve her and the great web
80 Cavern contains a single gigantic mushroom, with many inhabitants living in tunnels and spaces with in it. Worm men and caterpillar and grub men battle for dominance, frog folk come to worship it, goblins sacrifice to it
81 Huge parade ground, stone attacks and obstacle course where hundreds of orcs being trained by hobgoblins and commanded by dark elves, goblin blacksmiths and bugbear military police
82 Starving adventurers desperate and jumpy will initiate attack but could be talked too. They have partly eaten dead comrades and treasures
83 Magical spring surrounded by wondrous glowing calcium formations
84 Pit of darkness descends to the world of the darkness dimension, cults come to call forth ebon hued things
85 A great earthen barrow of some prehistoric wizard king, now a lich
86 Huge chamber with giant calcium columns stalagmites and stalactites. Connected by ropes and ladders and cables, a gnomish civilization exists within, using airships, steam automatons, black powder and strange magic crystals
87 A huge iron mechanical computer plotting dungeon activity and running calculations on monsters, breeding rates and growth rates to calculate replacement monsters in the dungeon. Operated by wizards is a magical artifact of the go
88 A titanic furnace imprisoning fire monsters,
89 Colossal alchemist apparatus distilling materials into living monsters operated by alchemists
90 Volcano in process of destroying monster citadel, citizens fleeing lava and fire monsters, leaving treasures behind
91 Huge chamber with kobold workers building and covering up a new dungeon level filling in between the corridors with rubble and garbage
92 Huge prison operated by were swine using their powers to charm inmates into compliance, full of soldiers and adventurers and commoners

93 A huge lit cavern jungle with dinosaurs and huge over grown ruins
94 A lost civilization citadel attacked by monsters constantly
95 An entire underground kingdom of a lost civilization, with fungus crops tended by molemen slaves

96 A huge dark acidic cavern, actually the stomach of the dungeon with ruins, wrecked ships, fungal forests, slimes and other creatures inside
97 A bunker like sub ground fortress where evil faction warlords and meet over great maps and move their toy soldiers preparing for their attacks against the surface world
98 A great library of dungeon secrets, forbidden books, cursed scrolls and ancient tablets used by wizards, removing a book attracts a fiery angel executioner
99 Gigantic titan brain encased in metal, a wizard dungeon cult are camped to plunder it's secrets, but the brain is teaching them demonology so they eventually destroy themselves
100 Gigantic titan heat chained down to keep it flopping about. Tended by worshipers who  claim it is the dungeons heart  
summon demons

Saturday, 3 February 2018

d100 Frontier Woodlands

I heard there could be non magical woods with mostly animals and some humans. In a fantasy world anything is possible.

Frontier Woodlands
01 Prospector looking for metals, gems or ruins and panning for gold
02 Trapper catching foxes, rabbits and other furry forest friends
03 Hunter alone tracking game or wolves or patroling for enemies
04 Woodcutter with hatchet and donkey load of wood
05 Herbalist gathering plants and fungi and lichen
06 Young lovers out on a walk holding hands
07 Several naughty children out exploring and sneaking about
08 Ranger out on patrol for humanoids or border activity
09 Druid with animal friend out gathering herbs like mistletoe
10 Lone highwayman at camp 
11 Scruffy gang of starving bandits, mostly young led by older veteran bully
12 Woodland gang of rebels who harass the wealthy and nobility
13 Gang of professional killers and cutthroats with a secret lair
14 Robber knights, outlaws who lair over the border, well armed and armoured gang
15 Forest cultists meeting in the woods and cannot let witnesses live
16 Witch out to meet her sisters, might flee or try parley or deciet
17 Wisewoman in crude shack making a pot of herbal tea with her pets
18 Farmer out on hunting trip to supplement his struggling family
19 Lone grubby fugitive from serious crime d4 1=kinslayer 2=murder 3=heresy 4=banditry
20 Old hermit mostly avoids humans often mad or holy or both
21 Old cannibal murderer lives in a hole and makes man traps
22 Old homeless woman accused of witchcraft on the run with a few pets
23 Madman looking for victims to kill
24 Madmen outcasts in community of shacks and garbage
25 Lost village idiot looking for a new home after better idiot beat him in contest
26 Elf scout spying on humans
27 Barbarian hunters camping and in hiding
28 Escaped convicts probably will join bandits if they dont starve
29 Wildmen tribal hunters in small group wary of clothed humans
30 Wildman lonely savage might be willing to trade or meet
31 Dwarf prospecter happy to talk to humans
32 Goblin scout patrol searching the area
33 Goblin scouts riding wolves or giant bats
34 Hobgoblin patrol well armoured, looking for soldiers
35 Bugbears looking for people to scare or decapitate or both
36 Kobolds with wild dogs out exploring and prospecting
37 Werewolf in disguise as old trapper
38 Gnome mosty ignores people but likes to heal wounded animals in traveller groups
39 Orc hunters scouting human weaknesses
40 Dire wolves ridden by orc archers
41 Nobles with many servants, hunters and knights
42 Villagers searching for missing person
43 Hunters hiding have staked out a nervous young goat to lure wolves or lions
44 Fox trap d4 damage STR 12
45 Wolf trap d6 damage STR 14
46 Bear trap d8 damage STR 18
47 Lion Pit 10 foot deep d4 1=lid 2=spikes 3=wood cage 4=lion
48 Net trap, suspends victims 20 foot up
49 Poisoned meat baits to kill foxes and wolves
50 Snare trap, suspends victim upside down ten foot up
51 Squirrels amusingly chase nuts or fighting

52 Weasels scuttering in leaf litter and into roots of a tree
53 Swarm of bats to and from hiding places
54 Owls in tree hooting
55 Giant owl speaks your name to scare you or just talk
56 Beavers cutting some saplings down into a creek near a new nest
57 Gamebirds nervously pecking for seeds and fruits 
58 Wild dog pack attracted to humans
59 Wolf pack out hunting
60 Lone desperate wolf stalks for the right moment
61 Wild goats happily grazing
62 Rabbits quickly run into warren
63 Giant hedgehog can shoot spines
64 Wild cat or lynx runs away quickly
65 Fox bolts from hidingplace to escape
66 Forest lion or panther roaring in distance listening and smelling for prey
67 Wild boars with several aggressive males
68 Herd of deer, might run you down if you get in way
69 Plodding elk, large male gets angry
70 Wild cattle with several angry bulls
71 Wild sheep with a huge ram

72 Huge toads or frogs by a pond
73 Huge tortoise eating berries
74 Giant rats scuttling in trees
75 Giant squirrels throw nuts and try to steal stuff at camp
76 Dire Wolves d4
77 Dire weasel
78 Dire Badger
79 Bear d4 1=small black 2=medium brown 3=big grizzly 4=cave bear
80 Owl bear
81 Lichen and fungus covered lone zombie
82 Lichen and fungus covered skeletons with spears and sortswords and shortbows
83 Lichen and fungus covered skeleton aprentice d4+1 level wizard with guards skeletons
84 Bush troll only 4 foot high, vegetation covered meek helper of the woods
85 Forest troll a large stoney skin fat humanoid with moss and plants sprouting from skin
86 Chaos troll, a crazed cosmic cancer growth roaming wood for aeons gorging itself
87 Forest giant walking through the woods out hunting for humans to crush into bread
88 Ogre hunters with spears and a pet bear out hunting
89 Ogress man eater out hunting
90 Orc shaman with followers looking to do a vile deed on a quest
91 Evil knight with followers wants sacrifices
92 Murder hobo adventurers desperate to not go empty handed again
93 Young beginner adventurers looking for location on a treasure map

94 Hidden forest troll ambush anyone who swears or wastes forest resources
95 Ferocious forest walrus basking on rocks in the sun
96 Halflings having a extra meal of the day has been going for six hours
97 Centaurs angry at humans for existing, will cavy away love interests
98 Manticores out being jerks in the forest to forest creatures
99 Green dragon looking for food
100 Dark elf assassins with giant pet d4 1=spider 2=scorpion 3=lizard 4=praying mantis

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Troll kind for DnD

My idea of trolls is more like John Bauer, Moomintrolls and Brian Fraud. I do quite like RuneQuest trolls and always felt the green ones in dnd were a bit basic. In my setting they are heretic chaos trolls who took regenerative abilities but became insane living cancerous clones enraged with hatred.

In my setting gods and jotun or titans appeared first on the world and were at war long before man existed. Trolls descend from yotun or even spontaneously grew from the remains of the great giant whose corpse made the world (some say a dragon). Trolls evolved into many variants big and small and are the ancestors of dwarves, gnomes, halflings and elves. Humans came at the end of the dawn age to be servants of the gods.

The extent of this is to make trolls in my BX based game you can reskin the basic races

House Trolls = Gnome (stove trolls, barn trolls, cellar trolls, attic trolls)
Hedge Trolls = Halfling (hill trolls, bush trolls, garden trolls, marsh trolls)
Cave Trolls = Dwarfs (mountain trolls, pit trolls, bearded trolls, rock trolls)
High Trolls = Elves (arcane trolls, elder trolls, moon trolls, star trolls)

You can also reskin goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, ogres and giants

Trolls have tails which is the main identifying feature rather like a cow tail
Many have horns, tusks, huge teeth, hair, big eyes
Some have pointy ears, other are less visible or more human
Many have pot bellies and huge noses
Most are covered in fuzzy soft down, some are shaggy all over
Some have long hair from heads down to their waist
Most prefer to be naked but wear loin cloths, hats, fur capes, jewelry sometimes robes

High Trolls are most human or elf like, and even attractive at a glance but facial features are smoother and simpler

Trolls are slow to anger or react at times. They can remain still and hide for hours but can be angered by swearing, destruction of property or trespassers. Some are stupid greedy and evil. Most are harmless and possibly helpful but best avoided as some can be moody. The larger ones tend to be more belligerent.

As trolls don't like clothes or armour much but have basic armour like leather
They also heal a extra HP per level per day which makes them dangerous skirmishers

Trolls are more populous in the north replacing the ecology of elves and goblinoids in the frozen mountainous north. But trolls are returning. Occupying bridges, caves, ruins or old mines. They know they are ancient and kin to old magic of giants and gods. They regard many lands as theres since prehuman times. Huge trolls are more likely to think of lesser beings as food. Smallest trolls don't mind living near humans and humans might leave them offerings. House trolls live inside humans homes often helping humans out of sight. It is best to ignore them and leave them some food or milk out but exposing them might drive them away. They might be offended by bad language and beat a foul mouth child or drunken parent. Forest trolls might tolerate hunters but they also might expect good behaviour, respect to game and might punish swearing. Swearing is blasphemy to trolls, especially those mock the divine. Trolls dislike lightning or storms or the thought of the sky falling. Trolls worship elements, ancestors and titans of old. The know the gods of man and respect them but might not like them. Some gods drove trolls away to make room for man.

Trolls know elder magic and do make magic items, weapons and potions. Many trolls being long lived might adopt a magical character class. Troll language is deep, poetic, profound and long winded. Troll rock carvings can be found everywhere.

Are Trolls coming back. In recent years many elder races have returned and demihumans are common sights. Trolls have been seen in the wilds more and more and rural folk have increased contact. Some humans fear trolls and insist on hunting and killing them all as if they are all horrible killing machines. In these areas the nastier trolls swarm. Bad trolls might think some of their kin are soft but will avenge them and wage war on man happily. Most of the older demi human races no longer fight having battled too much to their mutual destruction long ago. This is why man rules now.

Random Trolls
d10 Size
1 Gnome - tiny trolls often live around humans or in houses helping their hosts
2 Goblin - small troll folk often live in caves or woods, quite shy and wary of man
3 Halfling - smaller friendly trolls mostly live in holes under hills in comfort
4 Dwarf - resilient fighting trolls at war with goblins and humanoids in underground places
5 Elf - high trolls, the arcane and mystical race who are masters of magic
6 Hobgoblin - humanoid also called troll men, compete with humans for room in wilds
7 Bugbear - large trolls but curious to occupy human lands like settling under a bridge
8 Ogre - dwell in caverns, hills, mountains hunting smaller creatures to eat
9 Giant - mostly roam mountains fighting and throwing rocks
10 Gargantuan - tend to resemble land features and many are hidden and sleeping in plain sight

d6 Troll Characteristics
1 Horns often ram or goat like or short lumps
2 Tusks sometimes curled and large or just short stubs
3 Teeth or fangs or a overbite, some have rows of blunt stubby grinding teeth
4 Pointed ears, huge ears, human ears, long hanging ears
5 Wooly long hair or shaggy hair all over
6 Webbed feet, bird feet, huge ugly human feet or goat hooves

d10 Troll Decor
1 Loincloth or rope belt
2 Ear or nose rings
3 Necklaces or teeth or gold rings or torc or beads
4 Arm rings or bangles
5 Ankle rings
6 Fur cape
7 Tattoos often runes or spirals
8 Hat or circlet or wreath
9 Trinkets of all kinds hanging from hair or straps
10 Tattered robes or shirt or vest often of fur

d6 Reactions
1 Hates humans and newborn races
2 Humans are food animals and fair game
3 Humans and their gods cant be trusted
4 Humans are best avoided
5 Humans can be dealt with
6 Humans need help and kindness like any animal

d6 Troll Magic (1in6 chance for smarter breeds)
1 Clerical magic, priest of a god or titan
2 Wizard spells with a ancient wooden book or spells on cave walls
3 Shaman deals with local spirits
4 Druidic priest deals with nature
5 Sorcerer has innate magic from bloodline
6 Alchemy knows several potion recipes or magic item formula

Trolls have often like to employ curses and one of these is to make men into trolls or taint them. Part troll children are often mighty and strange. If neglected by human kin will grow vindictive and dangerous. I will do troll mutations sometime.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Post 1100, Goblin Mine PDF & Kobold Bindle Contents

So to celebrate EMO post 1100 Today here is a bonus of The Goblin Mine Zone PDF Carbon Edition. I will revise my gamma world and WW1 books soon too.

Also as it was one thing to do to complete the monster treasure tables section I had to do this kobold stuff table to finish the set. Will consider expanding goblin mine to to basically about underground humanoid kingdoms. A following book will deal with wild caverns and underlands and will have races not mentioned here so much like dark elves.

Here is he book
Goblin Mine Zone Link

Also for the kiddies as a bonus
Puff Colouring Book 2 Dungeon Funk

These and more on my Downloads Page

Feedback and comments and requests welcome

Still hoping getting new PC as this one has dodgy keys making my spelling more exiting. New desktop publishing setup shortly will help getting my business doing art design teaching back as finding employers in more difficult.

d100 What's in that Kobolds Bindle?
01 Bag of assorted tasty mushrooms
02 Bag of 1d3 giant centipede kept for eating 03 Bound and gagged giant rat kept for eating 
04 Flat bread and several types of tasty mouldy veined cheese
05 Bag of turnips one has a funny rude shape
06 Mushroom wine d3 bottles, delicious in cooking
07 Pound of salt, enough for a whole tribe
08 Bag of barley d6 pounds good for soup
09 Bag of 3d6 onions or garlic bulbs
10 Bag of edible spider silk
11 Knife, scraper and toxic mineral salt for preparing and curing hides
12 Knife, wire saw, clever, hatchet all bloody with a d4 cuts of mystery meat

13 Dog collars, dried meat dog treats, lasso, whip belonging to dog handles
14 Fishing line 30ft, 2d6 bone hooks, d6 lures, tiny bucket
15 Parchment covered in plans and doodles, graphite stick, quill, ink
16 Blueprints on building doorway, tunnel or room, line, spirit level, chalk
17 Tiny pick axe, chisel, mallet, d10 iron spikes, twenty foot rope
18 Trowel, bag of mortar mix, bucket, brick mould
19 Hand saw, plane, hand drill, hatchet, file
20 Copper bar, tongs, hammer, iron bowl, bag of charcoal, wax, clay, slingstone mold
21 Basket, pruning knife, trowel, bags of fruit and vegetable seeds
22 Several box type rat traps and a bundle of 5d4 rats and box of poison
23 Set of thieves tools for disarming traps and opening locks, 20ft rope, tiny mask 
24 Camouflage face paint, dirty cloak with hood, bottle of well poison, set of crampons 
25 Insect net, tweezers, tiny sieve and jar with pound of bugs
26 Mess kit made of fine tin, with knife, bowl, plate, billy tin and d4 days dried rations 
27 Ledger book, d10 sheets paper, d4 quills, brush, ink, sealing wax
28 Abacus and scrawled tallies on parchment with graphite stick
29 Set of coloured chalk and box of tiny paint tins with brushes
30 Box of matches 2d6, pipe, tin of tobacco or hemp
31 Bundle of 2d6 darts
32 Bottles of flammable oil (d4)with fuses, tinder box
33 Blowpipe and ten darts and a bottle of cheap poison
34 Collection of d4 knives and a d3 daggers of different makers
35 Collection of d4 short swords or maces or hand axes of different styles
36 Bundle with d4 torches, lantern and oil, tinderbox and 2d6 candles
37 Tiny field stove and a d4 pots with lids
38 Alchemist test lit with 3d6 test papers and potion colour charts
39 Mineral test kit and samples of rock and souls in vials
40 First aid kit with bandages, bottle of grog, mallet, tiny saw, restraint straps 
41 Box of matches 2d6, pipe, tin of tobacco or hemp
42 Several sock puppets or marionette puppet
43 Spinning top and whip
44 Wooden puzzle or puzzle box
45 Cup and ball
46 Handball and chalk
47 Whittling knife and d12 chess pieces or figurines
48 Chess set
49 Deck of hand painted cards
50 Bottle of distilled wood alcohol and d6 shot cups
51 Bundle of copper cups, plates and arm rings
52 Bag of d4 hundred copper coins
53 Bundle of d4 padlocks and 2d6 keys
54 Length of ten foot chain with collar, padlock and key
55 Torturers tool kit
56 Slavers set of d4 manacles and leg irons
57 Several human and demihuman skulls
58 Bag of filthy laundry
59 Tiny pairs of d6 boots and cobbler tools
60 Bundle of leather, awl, 20ft leather cord, large needles and cutting knife
61 Sewing or knitting supplies and d4 samples of clothing
62 Bag of d100 beads, string, d6 completed pieces of cheap jewelery
63 Bag of trap d4 components and bottle of poison
64 Bundle of lead pipes 1in6 one with a tap included 
65 Sharpening stones, oil, files and cloths for blade care
66 Bundle of d6 dungeon map fragments
67 Clockwork grenade 2d4 damage over 10ft, can set clock from 1-60 minutes
68 Lantern with various shutters and press button igniting mechanism
69 Brass mechanical lighter 
70 Bundle of rune carved divination bones
71 Squat green stone idols with sea shell teeth and eyes
72 Bag of terracotta ancestor figures
73 Painted scene tile from old temple
74 Ivory carving of kobold fertility god and d10 cheap aphrodisiacs
75 Collection of children's teeth
76 Ritual instrument like bongo drum, cistrum, rattle, bone flute or lute 
77 Ancient clay tablet in cuniform kobold dug up
78 Totem wooden idol and carving knife
79 Ritual masks with scary faces
80 Painted ancestor skull
81 Bag of severed hands for dinner
82 Wasp nest in a sealed bag
83 Messenger bats d6
84 Colourful festival hat
85 Mining helmet with candle on top
86 Tiny stone carved cameo of kobold beauty
87 Kobold egg
88 Dog skin cape
89 Dragon scales d6
90 Bag of d6 fish or angry albino cave lobster
91 Box with fine leaves of koboldium a metal that can burn feet used in traps
92 Tiny chest with semiprecious stones inside worth d100+50gp 
93 List of ancestors names on tiny scroll in bone case going back to prehuman times
94 Ruby worth 100gp
95 Pet parasite has been with family for generations
96 Brass horn that will call local kobolds. Dogs hear it humans don't
97 Puppies d4 wild dog pups make good loyal hunting dogs
98 Kobold baby in cloth with d4 spare nappies, currently peaceful
99 Dragon claw or giant toenail or ogre tooth
100 Remains of shell hatched from packed by mum for good luck

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Dungeon Pheromone Types

Started reading about this when saw doco on lamprey infestation of the great lakes and how pheromones helped beat them. Developing things that attract females and others that scare them made a push pull plan that helped beat them. After reducing fish stocks by 90% the slimy horrors had to be stopped. If only people had thought of eating them like Romans did who depleted most of them in Europe and possible farmed them (how they fed them i don't know). Ive used lamprey men in dungeons so this might be handy....

In my Xor setting pheromones are a common potion type and often keyed for specific purposes so a d100 table will be provided below of interesting ones. In other settings pheromones and scent based chemicals could be useful. Planet Psychon would work fine.

Druids and animals - 
pheromones as text
As I wrote about along time ago Druids learning animal languages can also read animal scents and possibly some skilled hunters might do this to a lesser degree. Scent marks are like writing for animals or at least graffiti. A fluent animal scent reader can identify the gender and health of scent maker and can tell if they are a dominant pack member and how big there territory is and how often they patrol. It could be annoying that your cat man follower rubs himself on every door frame and pisses briefly every intersection but they sure know when they come across their own or others scents which can be handy.

Goblins could be 
pheromones sensitives
They leave territorial scents and even barracks might be scented for goblin caste or status. When a goblin tribe reaches a certain size the chief develops more HD and his immediate elite followers grow bigger. Possibly hobgoblins and bugbears develop or pheromones in a concentration cause goblins to become cannibals and then  morph into new forms. Goblin creches might release a calming effect to stop cannibalism. Goblin tunnels might have chemical trails marked for long trecks and trade routes. A well traveled trail feels safe. A weak one way trail scares goblins as it might be a monster lair.  Concentrations of goblins might effect their aggression or reproductive 
pheromones. Some pheromones might trigger mutations or adaptions to new environments. When you kill goblins their blood gives off pheromones that warn others making them retreat women and young and enraging leaders and warriors. Being covered with their blood might make things worse. Elves might manipulate goblin pheromones to enslave them or settle them as barriers between elfland and human lands. Elves might control their aggression and breeding output or use to mutate certain strains. Possibly demons or chaos things might manipulate goblins this way. Bugbears and hobgoblins odours might make goblins submissive or wary.

Some Common Pheranome Types
Necromones - released on death makes others afraid (or other species hungry)
Calming - makes species relax, possibly released when submissive or mothers 
Trail - like ants might leave markers, common trails read as safe, one way as risky
Territorial - mark borders of a territory of group or a gender or individual
Royal - leaders produce scents to command their followers
Sex - arousing odours or signals to atract mates
Signal - modifies behavior typically makes more sexually receptive or defencive
Primer - trigger physiological developments or mutations 
or suppress others from breeding
Epideictic - tell other females not to lay eggs or breed here
Alarm - alerts group to danger some might be specific like fire, intruder, boss in danger
Aggression - makes colony ready for war, flood, or disaster
Aggregation - makes come together for breeding or other purposes
Releaser - alters behavior for example mother rabbits use to make babies nurse
Recognition - detect own tribe or detect close kin to avoid inbreeding
Marking - mark some eggs as queen and others as drones or other uses

Hostile Species use of pheromones
Some species use pheromones to disguise themselves and infiltrate a colony
Some might alter behavior of a colony for own game
Some might use as lures for traps
Follow prey trails or set up ambushes on trails
Prey may recognise and fear predictor scents
Parasites rewire prey to be attracted to predator scents to pass themselves in food chain

Physiological Changes From 
Plants if alarmed might produce toxins or tannin to make themselves taste bad
Mole rat queens suppress puberty in other females so only they breed
Colonies might produce specialists like more soldiers or specific workers

Pheromone Potions
Alchemists might be able to extract pheromones and possibly shamans especially non human ones might be able to make or uses a few types of pheromones. A druid being a shapeshifter would find it easier to create potions based on their first hand knowledge. On Xor or Psychon specialist pheromone potion users would be more common. Some creatures might leave scent trails or musk or urine or feces or organs like glands that easily make potions. Tears, sweat and other fluids might be source of potions.

Potions vary in prices from cheap from wild shamen and druids who use them often, but mostly they are rare and expensive. People apply them to themselves or near dungeon air intakes. Scent carries at least 100 yards in a dungeon and becomes intense to recipients to within 30 yards. When applied outdoors the air may carry the scent up to 100 to 300 yards or more but if the air is still or the wrong direction only about 30 yards. Outdoors intense reactions are only 10 yards. Recipients might get a save with milder contact but none with intense dose. Some especially primers need contact. Royal types need to be eaten.

Versions that effect animals work on normal size and giant size versions or beast men versions and possibly magical hybrids

Potions are highly refined and function differently to natural pheranomes

Feel free to replace species rolled with something similar or suitable for environment

Very Common Potion 30gp
Common Potion 100gp
Uncommon 300gp
Rare 500gp
Very Rare 1000gp

d100 Pheromone Potions
01 Goblin Necronomes make them uncomfortable and start to flee and reduces morale
02 Hobgoblin Necronomes make them violent and warlike with bloodshot eyes
03 Bugbear Necronomes make them hide and prepare ambushes
04 Mindflayer Necronomes make them wary and begin to retreat or hide and call for minions
05 Lamprey Necronomes make them retreat even jump out of the water in blind panic
06 Shark Necronomes make them hungry and look for corpses to eat
07 Goblinoid Calming agents cause them to be more interested in grooming or socializing 
08 Owlbear Calming agents make them fluff up and sit in nests or have a dust bath
09 Rust Monster Calming agents make them feel sated and curl up into slothful state
10 Carrion Crawler Calming agents make them slow into a torpor and lose appetites

11 Gelatinous Cube Calming agent makes them slow to a halt and not react to motion
12 Ochre Jelly Calming agent makes them stop and flatten into bubbly jelly pools

13 Ant Calming agent stops colony states of alarm or aggressive making them sit still 
14 Ant Trail can be used to lure ants into traps or slow them with complex crossings
15 Termite Trail is used to lure termites to wooden structures as act of sabotage
16 Slug Trail makes other slugs stop to eat the trail to see what interesting things rivals eat
17 Carrion Crawler Trail makes other crawlers follow in hopes of stealing rival victims
18 Gnome Trail makes gnomes follow the trails marching in line and sing songs 
19 Green Slime Trail lures the slime away to somewhere dangerous to it or a container
20 Feline Territorial scent makes them avoid areas if extracted from larger cats or group
21 Canine Territorial scent makes them avoid areas if extracted from larger pack or animal
22 Bee Territorial scent makes them look elsewhere but might make them prepare for war
23 Kobold Territorial scent makes them rush home and tell chief who sends envoys
24 Orc Territorial scent makes orcs wary, some scout area while rest rush home 
25 Goblin Royal jelly makes a goblin change into a sub chief and a further dose 
26 Bee Royal jelly makes a bee grub grow into a fertile bee queen 
27 Ant Royal jelly makes a bee grub grow into a fertile ant queen 
28 Termite Royal jelly makes a bee grub grow into a fertile termite queen 
29 Dinosaur Royal jelly makes dinosaurs grow extra HD if fed to as baby
30 Leech Sex scent attracts aroused leeches to swarm on target 
31 Goblinoid Sex scent makes goblins constantly aroused and think about horny
32 Hook Horror Sex scent makes them seek a mate, without one they tear themselves apart
33 Beholder Sex scent makes them slobber and drool crying out for a mate
34 Grell Sex scent makes them seek source and entangle it and become aroused 
35 Tiger Beetle Sex scent makes beetles drag chunks of meat to source to seduce a mate
36 Unicorn Sex scent makes unicorns more attracted to virging human females
37 Goblin Signal makes tribal members start cannibalising elderly and weak members
38 Baboon Signal makes lady baboons butts swell up and attract males 
39 Dragon Signal makes them crave humanoid virgins to eat to stimulate their reproduction
40 Owlbear Signal makes owlbears shuffle about on all fours and rub their butts on walls
41 Goblin Primer makes goblins have a chance of mutating into hobgoblins
42 Hobgoblin Primer makes hobgoblins have a chance of mutating into bugbears
43 Hydra Primer makes them grow a extra head
44 Dragon Primer accelerates their development into next growth stage after a binge of food
45 Ogre Primer triggers mutations that make them more hideous 
46 Faun Primer changes them into more magical satyrs
47 Locust Primer changes them into larger (+1HD) carnivorous (d6) cannibal specimens
48 Orc Primer changes orc into a leader which might lead to inter tribal conflict 
49 Slub Primer changes slug to larger +1HD version
50 Troglodyte Primer changes them into a leader type with extra HD
51 Displacer Primer turns a panther into a displacer beast
52 Gnome Primer turns a gnome into a dwarf but they save to resist and try to avoid
53 Mutant Primer stimulates development of new mutations
54 Wasp Epideictic prevents them attacking person covered in scent
55 Carrion Crawler Epideictic prevents them attacking person covered in scent
56 Griffon Epideictic overcomes urge to eat a horse and makes them receptive to mating
57 Ant Alarm triggers colony defenses making them seal doors and hide children 
58 Goblin Alarm makes the colony entrench themselves and seal lair entrances
59  Hobgoblin Alarm makes them ready armour and weapons and prepare tight formations
60 Gremlin Alarm makes colony hysterically flee the area abandoning everything
61 Kobold Alarm makes them retreat to lair while setting and arming traps
62 Dragon Alarm makes them alert and listen and smell for threats and prepare to fight
64 Goblin Aggression drives them crazy bouncing, biting, scratching and screaming
65 Hobgoblin Agression makes them furious, swear and break formation
66 Bugbear Aggression makes them come out of hiding, foaming at the mouth screaming
67 Kobold Aggression makes them over run their own formations and traps towards smell
68 Dragon Aggression makes them angry and violent and initiates a rampage  
69 Swine Aggression makes pig beings grow furious and roam looking for fights
70 Bee Aggression  makes them angry and attack anything in territory or near hive
71 Ape Aggression makes them scream and fight anything or each other if no threats
72 Rat Aggression makes rats crazy attacking any non rat near their lair or the smell
73 Troll Aggression makes them howl and bite each other and themselves in fury
74 Hyena Aggression makes them howl, laugh, snort angrily, and snap at anything  
75 Dwarf Aggression makes them bite their shields and foam at the mouth beserkly 
76 Frog Aggregation attracts frogs of all types in area and often starts them spawning 
77 Locust Aggregation makes them gather into swarm then begin to eat everything
78 Leech Aggregation makes them swarm to mate and then feed
79 Orc Aggregation makes a horde gather and inevitably a leader declares a war
80 Halfling Aggregation makes them assemble for a giant picnick or party
81 Gnome Aggregation makes them hold hounds in ever growing circle dancing and singing
82 Harpy Aggregation makes them swarm over area shitting and vomiting filth and swearing
83 Kobold Aggregation makes them gather with tools and dig a functional dungeon complex
84 Spider Aggregation makes them swarm and cover in web or build nests if not spinners
85 Scorpion Aggregation makes them gather in swarm and challenge each other 
86 Bat Aggregation makes thousands of bats swarm to location squeaking and flapping
87 Shark Aggregation attracts dozens of sharks who swarm mercilessly 
88 Rabbit Releaser makes rabbits swarm thirsty for milk and suck on everything
89 Manticore Releaser makes them stop being jerks and playful like kittens
90 Dragon Releaser makes them want to sit on treasure mounds or nests for days 
91 Goblin Recognition makes them accept you as goblins in community 
92 Ant Recognition makes user seem to be a ant and accepted in colony
93 Leech Recognition makes them not want to drink users blood
94 Ochre Jelly Recognition makes them not devour users
95 Slug Recognition makes them think user is one of their children
96 Dragon Marking makes dragons of same type extracted from mistake user for kin 
97 Spectral Hound Marking lures a interdimensional horror to the marked victim
98 Bee Marking makes them take user to hive and feed royal jelly too
99 Lycanthrope Marking makes them seek to inflict the target with their infection
100 Minotaur Marking makes them attracted to subject and able to follow anywhere

Also see this very Xor compatible stuff from goblin punch
If I mixed my hell with Xor might run parallel to Goblin Punch
Eve our thoughts on devils vs demons are close