Showing posts with label druids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label druids. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Tribes of the Tundra

Stop looking if you're playing this (Dallas & Matt & Richard)
Poll on my Patreon anyone can do too....about future content & formats

Tribes of The Tundra tribes the players will meet need a bit of prep and I'm enjoying running this. Players enjoyed thinking food is a treasure so the survival angle worked. Some of these tribes explore the mountains and valleys most only dimly aware of the sea to the south past the mountains. Salt is in high demand which players might capitalise on.

When entering a new territory local can spot border stones and totems and will if on at least neutral terms will wait for owners to arrive. At this point, those wishing to pass will make a gift and state their intent. If on reasonable terms this is enough. More often the visitors will be taken to the chief and expect to negotiate further. Aggressive meetings usually result in name-calling, taunting and shouts. This escalates into throwing rocks then spears and arrows and sling stones. possibly more. Usually when someone is hurt both sides scatter and await legal actions. The wounded tribe will send a message demanding compensation such as several pigs or a chance to make the culprit run a gauntlet of clubs or dodge volleys of spears. 

The player's tribe have no clans or totem and might want to adopt something to announce themselves. No clan totem is a sign of evil false spirits who eat babies and steal souls.

Despite population sizes most only gather once a year or seasonally for festivals.

Druidry is very common
Shamen are a type of priest who deal with spirits instead of undead/turning(Oriental adventures 1st ed has lots of good spells for this)
Priesthoods and organised religion and temples are rare but growing

1 Ice Clan - White Ape Tribe
A clan of man-eaters who ruled here when glaciers covered the land and they resent other races. They fear demihumans but actively hunt other tribes for meat. They are bestial, barley speaks except through grunts and howls and seldom few tools or fire. Seasonally they travel to a secret pass where shamen in glacier caves worship ice devils they say live deep in the glacier. They wish the world was frozen over and unchanging. When they take humans they may enslave them and breed with them and eventually eat them. Other clans are more chaotic worshipping cold demons, elder gods and evil wind and cold elementals. The chaotic ones live in smaller groups and never unite.

pop300 Lawful Evil
Specialisation: cannibalism, diabolism, slavery
Customs: fear demihumans eat other races, devil worshipers

2 Pine Clan - 
Elf Tribe
Wood elves are on a mission to spread forests and have been successful on the coastal mountain range. On the tundra, this is harder and soil below a certain depth is frozen. They do spread grasses shrubs with berries. They are haughty and superior despite as earthborn elves they are not respected by their kin in faerieland as highly as they do themselves. They are superior at woodcraft including bow and spear and javelins and darts. Their plant food gathering is also superior and they do not like meat. They wish the world would freeze over and never change. There are occasional visits by the swan clan or the unicorn clan to the tundra who look down of the Pine clan and come to see their progress. Elves often employ goblin slaves and use them as scouts. Many escape and some become hobgoblins and even bugbears.

pop120 Chaotic Neutral
Specialisation: woodcraft, planting food crops, archery, druidry
Customs: haughty and superior to non-demihumans, always planting

3 Rock Clan - 
Dwarf Tribe
These dwarfs scour the tundra seeking iron star stones from the sky that fall rarely in the north. Only then will they be admitted to the great dwarf mountain forts of their kind and live lives of advanced luxury safe from the elements till they die. These dwarfs are always desperately grubbing about in the mud and others mostly pitty them. They always complain about their miserable lives. Their stonework is impressive and they use axes and slings mostly. They mostly shun magic but some make some potions, crude smoke bombs and firecrackers. They dread humans stealing their secrets and guard them jealously. Other dwarves in the deep and mountains use metal and black powder and golems but they shun the surface and pity those dwelling there. Rock dwarves are primitive by choice to stop others from stealing dwarf secrets. They fully comprehend advanced ancient technology only the hidden ones utilise it frequently.

pop80 Lawful Neutral
Specialisation: stone carving, axes including battleaxes, some crude alchemy 
Customs: seek meteorites, always moaning and filthy, shun magic, secretive

4 Moss Clan - Halfling Tribe

These shy peoples live in burrow nests that are very comfortable. They are experts at all kinds of food storage and even grind seeds and make bread. They are the best cooks and mostly fend off enemies with thrown rocks ambush. They have fine handicrafts but shun war and dangerous creatures. They are not unfriendly and will trade especially for meat and furs and ivory they struggle to get themselves. They like good humans and demihumans and may live with them for a time. They dislike crude and violent orcs and goblinoids and white apes. There are mulberry, lichen and shrub clans who sometimes visit. Most races leave halflings alone and don't even know where they live.

pop150 Chaotic Neutral
Specialisation: baking, cookery, food preservation, burrowing, camouflage 
Customs: fear demihumans eat other races, devil worshipers

5 Ground-squirrel Clan - Gnome Tribe
These grubby gnomes live in burrows with their furry squirrel friends. Many other animals eat them and gnomes help them and some even shapeshift into squirrel form. They grow tubers and eat seeds and store them in burrows for winter. They do make high quality sewed clothing and use tiny scraps of copper called coins for starting a fire, skinning hides, as a craft tool and status symbol. They are friendly but seldom seen by non-demihumans because they are shapeshifters. Other clans include weasel, owl, fox and hare.

pop90 Balanced Neutral 
Specialisation: copper, sewing, burrowing, slings and darts, druidry
Customs: shy with non demihumans, cohabit with squirrels, mostly underground

6 Snake Clan - Human 
These mean spirited humans claim they ruled the world and they preserve old bloodlines with scaly skin, snake eyes and forked tongues. The worship serpent people of old and seek their relics to study and guard. They seek any elder ruins for knowledge in the hope of finding a serpent person to rule them. They are united under the rule of an evil wizard who is expansive and plans to enslave the plateau humans and kill the demihumans. They dislike the cold which is their main hindrance on the plateau. They are constructing new monolithic structures dedicated to the serpentine cult. They use darts and daggers but also use poison. Some say degenerate albino kin live in deep caves or some have more extreme serpentine features making them inhuman monsters.

pop200 Lawful Evil
Specialisation: poison, building, slavery, ancient forbidden lore, pet snakes, wizards
Customs: serpent cult, superior, inbred 

7 Mammoth Clan
 - Human Tribe
This tribe follow and worship woolly mammoths hunting them and living in huts with stone foundations, tusks for beams and hides one top. They are devoted to hunting and their herds and wary of older races and strangers. They just want to look after their own kind and keep living the same way. Mammoths are their kin and they love them dearly, performing funeral rites for them when they kill the weak. They mostly use simple technology and spears and javelins. They prey off weak and sick mammoths only which is plenty. There is a wolf clan who sometimes follow the herds but they do not get along and avoid each other. Mammoth clan accuse them of being werewolves.

pop400 Neutral
Specialisation: building, hunting, spears and javelins
Customs: worship mammoths, follow the herds and protect them

8 Eagle Clan
 - Human Tribe
Eagle clan watch from their mountain caves and dwellings on rocky outcrops. They hunt all kinds of the game but hate the snake clan who they frequently fight. They seek to exterminate snake kind based on some ancient grudge. They also dislike white apes and undead but are not as fanatic about killing them. They are very serious and pious and wear feathered capes. A few keep pet eagles that assist them in hunting and finding enemies. They are also traders who often negotiate between tribes. They use spears and javelins and darts preferring to ambush from a height advantage. They are effective skirmishers and they are experts at harassing much larger forces. They have helped kept snake tribes to the south. There is a lesser hawk and owl clan also but they meet infrequently. They have organised priesthood and build sun altars and shrines in high places. Shamans are secondary in importance after priests which has other tribes wary.

pop120 Lawful Nuetral
Specialisation: hunting, exploring, trade, domestic eagles, skirmishers, priesthood
Customs: strict code of honour, hate white apes and snakes, sun worship

9 Elk Clan
 - Abhuman Tribe
Elk headed humanoids that follow their reindeer herds through seasonal migrations. They dislike any who harm their herds but they do eat meat in winter, preferring to graze on grass and hallucinogenic lichen in warmer months. They worship a lord of beasts and the underworld who they call upon to protect their herds and reincarnate them back to the mortal world. They practice Druidry and have some adopted humans living among them. Mostly use spears and javelins and seldom use fire. They are protective of nature and suspicious humans want to over hunt. They especially fight orcs and sometimes work with elves. There are other tribes follow arctic herd beast to like musk ox, bison, yak, sheep and goat.

pop120 Balanced Good
Specialisation: herding deer, druidry, herbalism
Customs: shun wizards, protect and follow herds, ritualised drug use 

10 Sabretooth Clan
 - Abhuman Tribe
This tribe are fearsome hunter warriors who are assured of their own greatness and prowess. Many spend years alone honing their skills and some will travel far and even live with other peoples for a time. Others shun company even of their own kind. Small family groups mostly gather for raising children and such groups often separate when children are old enough. They live harsh lives and elderly prefer to die in battle and will leave a family on a death quest to meet their end. They are enemies of hyena folk, the white apes and orcs and will fight them for gifts of food or craft goods. They eat raw meat and only use daggers or spears. They barley carry any possessions other than weapons and food and perhaps a hooded fur cloak.  They don't even use flint or stone or fire. Most humans respect them and beware their wrath. They are vindictive and kin will seek to avenge any slain. This is the source of their war with orcs and apes and hyena. Some have sabretooth tiger allies.

pop40 Lawful Neutral
Specialisation: mercenaries, hunters, spears and daggers
Customs: shun technology, hate hyena people, white apes and orcs, solitary, code of honour 

11 Hyena Clan - Abhuman 
Hyena people follow the herds and predators to kill the weak and steal others kills. Everybody hates them too. They are notorious for murderous cruelty, will stalk victims for days by night cackling frighteningly with joy as they approach victims. The cannibalism of their own kind and others leaves many with laughing sickness and they cannot stop giggling insanely.  Mostly use spears and big spiked clubs to fight but they use very little technology other than hiding cloaks and tents, shunning fire and limited stonework on tools and weapons. Hyena claim this land is all there's left to them by the vulture men wizard kings of old. Some guard ancient sites of demon worship. Sometimes they keep live humans as food and rarer still some of these slaves become demon-worshipping cultists who help their masters hunt and kill humans through betrayal and infiltration. 

pop200 Chaotic Evil
Specialisation: cannibalism, demonology, thieving, slavery, treachery, pet hyena
Customs: all races are just food, shun technology and fire

12 Red Eye Clan - Orc 
The orcs are great rivals of humans and hate their elvish kin. They also hate wizards and old races of evil who once enslaved the world. The snake and hyena tribes they see as remnants of this. While they see elves as arrogant and former slave masters, they are happy to dominate goblinoids. Many leave tributes such as food for orcs to bribe them away. Orcs while often unfriendly and vindictive, they can see a reason to unite against worse enemies and sometimes will protect their tributary thralls and income. They are brutal savages but have a custom of taking tribute and slaves rather than wipe out humans. 
hey themselves hate being enslaved and bear grudges from old times when they were created by elves and wizards for war. They have many resentments against the world and other peoples. Humans are rivals they respect and they were both thralls of the same masters in the age of black magic. 

They prefer spears, hatchets, daggers and use shields and leather armour. TOrcs know lots of lot lore about the previous age other young races forgot. Demihumans remember but shun this lore. Most orcs are almost as large as a human due to their stance and bow-legged gait but a small amount of greater orcs exist often as champions or leaders. As orcs know of the ancient order they sometimes pillage strange weapons like metal swords their heroes wield. Individual orcs can be allies or even friends if they respect your strength. Some human and orc tribes once worked together to end the previous age. The world broke and is ruined but all are free now.

If they are saved from enemies or helped they often feel obligated to return aid or treat as equals. Most orcs worship ancestral heroes who freed them or the first mothers as orcs had no women once. Their shaman serve a great one-eyed great patron orc ancestor spirit. Some worship devils for power. Some distant clans are thralls to evil wizards and chaos demons as orcs did for aeons. The eye tribe orcs try to free them or kill them if they cannot accept the gaze of the great one-eyed spirit. Orcs know there are great realms under the earth where ancient evils still lurk and orcs have own lands.

pop360 common orcs 40 great orcs (as abhuman) Lawful Evil
Specialisation: shields, leather armour, spears, hatchet, tributary thralldoms, forbidden lore
Customs: Code of honour, bitter with many grudges, destroy wizards 

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Stone Age Mountain Pass Point Crawl

Anyone playing this look away! (Dallas, Matt, Richard, etc)

So I rolled up these with my Stone Age Sorcery Book and made it into a mountain point crawl. When they get to the plateau there will be more tribes they can interact with and a more homogenous culture with less remnants of elder ages and old races. It is where humans and orcs are the dominant people and technology is very simple. I rolled a d4-1 for how many paths diverged from the first and from every room.

Ice Valley - icy glacier caves where white apes worship ice devils. A gate to the frozen hell is in the deepest cave guarded by an ice devil and other creatures.
Elderwood - Giant forest where elves, gnomes and cave folk fight. Elves live in trees, gnomes hide in secret places and humans live in cliffs around the valley. Elves here are working on expanding forests over all the mountain ranges.
Valley of Xor - Strange land of living flesh and strange hairless tribe and folk with no heads!
Monster Eaters - a kaiju was pinned under a mountain by a god. A tribe mine it's an immortal sleeping body to get meat which mutates devourers who increasingly worship the thing and seek its freedom.
Mystery Valley - the valley where tribes living well here all fled or vanished. Vampires and creatures of the Underland preyed on the people who eventually had enough and fled.
Spider Zigguratt - wizard giant spiders live here, their queen beneath a ziggurat built by human slaves. The old and sick and weak are devoured. Loyal spider cultists kidnap more human cattle
The city of the old ones - a strange city of the evil monster kings from the last age, steeped in black magic and cobwebs. (will use one in my book)
Dragon Bone Valley - dragons and giants had a war here leaving their bones scattered. A clan of wizards study the bones and seek dragon knowledge of magic.
Vampire Burrows - Burial mounds everywhere with many undead but several vampires rule this land, servants of the age of night

Hopefully, party will see resources on plateau in need like salt and want to return through the mountains to the coast. They can find alternate paths and end some of the menaces. Some places best to scout and flee. Also, some of these valleys might be rushed through for later adventures. Being a sandbox there is a trick of knowing when you are too low level.

Will roll up dozen or so tribes and for the plateau soon. For now .....

Hill Gnome Tribe (Dog Clan)

pop20 plus 40 odd dogs Neutral Good
Specialisation: sewing, copper use, trade domesticated dogs, fire, slings and hatchets, pictographs
Customs: gnomes turn into dogs to make love dog pets

Wood Elf Tribe (Pine Clan)

pop60 elves 3 dryads Chaotic Neutral
Specialisation: tree cultivation, short bow, human slavery, domestic deer, dagger, pictographs
Customs: dislike young races, haughty and arrogant, slavers

Kobold Tribe (Flint Clan)

pop20 plus 40 odd dogs Lawful Neutral
Specialisation: flint, mining, fire, traps, slings, clubs
Customs: afraid of open outdoors, forests and sunlight

Cave Folk Tribe (Skull Clan)

pop 40 Chaotic Evil
Specialisation: cannibalism, club, dagger, hatchet, dart, net
Customs: betrayal is virtue, cannibalism, shun fire

Monday, 9 March 2020

Stone Age Sorcery Play & Planning

So we wrangled a public holiday and a few ppl arrived same time to start this elaborate mini-campaign. All arrive in frozen north on a raft from the flooded south lands gone under a tsunami forever. Each had a loincloth and a random thing. Two elders Karan the Hunter (Fighter3) and Granny (Druid 3) accompany the two players. Hope to get more next game and at least 2 games this month and more if we like it. Special skills the players start with are the tribes technology. The elders saved them as youths and got them this far but most of the mongrel clan died on the way.

Dallas player made Boron the warrior a hunter who was raised to be a warrior executioner with a stone battle axe but he lost it on the trip. Such a weapon has never been seen by most and is to kill humans. He is also a hunter and animal handler who caught animals and fattened up their captured young. He only has a  full sewn hide suit worth +1AC and a special d4 healing herb left.

Matt played a halfling named Buns as he knows secrets of grinding grain and making flour and yeast and baking. Also a herbalist, first aider, singer and preacher. He hopes to change class in the future to a bard. He is really good at throwing rocks and knows how to use a tomahawk but lost it. He also has a friend a former slave now a tribe member, named Bars. He knows how to spread seeds around camps and on trails and cultivate tubers. He has a staff and 3 darts. He used to get the grain that Buns made. Buns has named a portable meat stuffed bread snack after himself.

Landed on the beach and pulled apart raft to make a cliff lean-to shelter for granny. Boron climbed a cliff and tore off a gull head and stole six eggs and Buns killed a gull with rock making them all hide. Granny warned them not to eat too many or they would suffer. Boron, Buns and Bars went for a walk next day well-fed and found a bunch of edible kelp they took home and used some as part of their shelter. Kagan and Granny saw a dozen terrorbirds patrol the beach looking for edible flotsam and jetsam surmising they did this often. So while the young went exploring more in hills above the cliff could see the forest to the north, swamp to the west and a frozen-over inlet about a mile wide to the east. Went east and found a delicious fairy penguin colony and then found a tasty dead dolphin. Returning home all feasted and granny buried some whale blubber for a treat next year. Kargan had mad Boron a huge stone axe, not the best but it would kill.

The next trek they went to the swamp and Boron caught a crafty trilobite. On way back, a 4-meter wingspan eagle scratched Bars and knocked him out. Sawa walrus out at sea from hills. Buns drove him off with rocks. Found a cave but smelled burned food and feces so fled home. Heard screeching and flapping in the night but no idea what caused it.

Next, a trek into the new forest that they later learned elves planted only a few years ago and is growing every year. Found a cave with a stone table inside and a stone witch knife they left out of fear. Told Granny and Kargan back home and they wanted to see the cave. They had mostly gathered food and granny wove grass carry bags and mats for the shelter. There was some rope from raft left and firewood too. All packed what they could and headed for the table cave. Granny nudged the knife into a hole and buried it and was satisfied this cave was ok but might have seasonal visitors. Had found human and elf rock carvings but so far had seen neither. Spent time hunting and had a bad accident with a boar that Buns killed after it downed his brothers Boron and Bars. Tusks and leather and meat were good. Granny found some arrowheads but she didn't know what they were for. Found good food and creepy elf fetishes. Granny warned them all about dryads and was sure she had heard one singing in the woods one night. One phantom beast in the woods turned out to be a giant sloth which they knew to avoid and was fairly harmless if you kept away.

Visited the cave they fled before and got closer and aw tiny scaly footprints they realised were kobolds/ Buns sung a kobold welcome song and gave kobolds a penguin offering which they accepted. Swapped some flints for more food and all now had a good firestarter and didn't need to rely on granny's arson skills. Kobolds traded boar tusks for a flint axe head for Buns and a spearhead for Boron. Kobolds offered magic flint if the tribe would kill the huge eagle that could snatch two kobolds a swoop. Boys decided this probably kept kobolds manageable and claimed they were not up to this.

Finally got more food and found remains of big predator meal and found camp where something also shaved wood Boron kept for tinder. Exploring above forest against the imposing mountains they found a huge stone reptilian head with more buried underground. Once out with Kargan found a beast tracking them so they set an ambush. A savage battle with a dire wolf followed and Boron earned its heart and skin to make a wolf cloak and hat. Found a mountain trail and on one of two paths was an icy valley. Found a glacial cave with a strange evil horned face carved above it in ice. Exploring in dimly lit interior found a block of ice with meat and nuts and a wolf pelt, offerings by the looks. Went down a passage and attacked two sleeping white apes on a fur rug. Boron got great edea to skin them as marvelous fur winter suits for the mountains. Another room they found a shaman huffing hemp seed smoke and killed it too. They stole everything they could and fled home.

All the skins they had mad facing a mountain trek possible. Had stocked up on food and were ready to go through the mountain pass to the plateau tundra the kobolds spoke of beyond. Had grown from ordeal and become tougher than their soft southern land life had provided them. Their fur suits were ready and all was packed. Herbs were gathered, nuts and berries and dried meat were packed. Bunz made his hatchet and had improved his sneaking skills and got into throwing multiple rocks. Boron had his new spear and trained more with his huge awesome axe.

This time they took the other path but on way found a cavern enterance full of fungus and mushrooms and saw goblins around a fire so left. Found a new valley this one with huge hundred metre tall trees! The could see and hear distant dinosaurs and streams. Six handsome young men with spears confronted them. They were oiled with pine-scented unguents and seemed urgent. They demanded Boron and Bars come with them and the rest leave forever. Bunz pretended that he saw something fearsome and the fools turned to see. Bunz threw a rock in the leaders head and granny threw a burning pinecone that exploded injuring several in a cloud of smoke and sparks. The tribe all attacked and crushed the handsome youths and bound them all. Bunz saved one from blood loss. Bunz was impressed with this new trick of shouting "look over there!", then attack was another of his great new tricks. Then they heard singing in elvish and Bunz replied in song. Granny warned them it was a dryad and those men were her thralls so they all fled in terror.

As came to another end of valley they saw stone monuments and rock art of elves, gnomes and savage backward humans. Camped under a fallen tree and ate tasty wood grubs. By night heard dogs and a band of gnomes had discovered them. Bunz traded with them and the gnomes invited them to follow. Gnomes wore fine clothes with buttons and offered a thing called a coin, a sharp scrap of metal good for cutting tool or fire starting. This was a special gnome gift. The gnomes had a secret gully through a crack in a rock and the tribe stayed with them. Heard of the constant feuds with elves who were colonising new forests across the mountains. Also of the fearsome cave folk who ate gnomes and other peoples. Gnomes were sure tribe not gnome eaters. Boron liked the gnomes dogs and made friends with them. Gnomes offered humans more copper they helped deal with terror birds....

to be continued...

Tuesday, 8 January 2019


Had to do this one as lots of bards in current game

Prime Requisite: Charm; high score grants additional spells
Arms 2/3 Arts 6/1 Languages 2d4/1
Leather Armour

Short Sword, Dagger, Knife, Light Crossbow, Self Bow, Javelin, Hand Axe, Club, Staff, Darts
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 4 levels
Prerequisite Charm Bonus provides extra spells

Spell Casting

Spell casting can choose as per one type like a
  • As wizard from a literate arcane scholar tradition using arcane magic
  • As priest from a temple performer tradition using divine magic
  • As sorcerer from a cult or bloodline of some entity granting arcane magic
  • As druid from a cult or priesthood of nature deities and spirits
Bardic Songs
Song Duration round per level
Songs Per Day one 
per level 
Level 1-5 +1 Level 6-11 +2 Level +3 12-17 +4 18+ +5
I per Lv +Charm bonus radius effect command radius
Get a new song every third level
Range 1 per level radius

Bless Song + hit roll Standard beginning song
Courage Song + morale or fear saves
Work Song + skill roll
Save Song + saving throws
Endurance Song + hours per level extra march oar rowing or work
(Attribute) Song +adds to attribute once per day only, each separate song/Stat
Hero Song + to HP
Marching Song + to move rate
Guardian Song + to AC
Magic Song + to spell Lv once per person per day
Healing Song + to HP recovered at end of song once per person per day
Counter Song blocks other magical song effects such as monsters or other bards
Fascinate 1HD/Lv of living creatures with performance if they fail save

Wandering Minstrel Subclass
Arms Dagger, Short Sword
Arts - Gossip, Etiquette, Diplomacy, Streetwise, Music Lore, Carousing
+1 Fast draw Short Sword +2 Bluff +3 
Typical independent scholar bards
0 Level Wizard Magic, Candle, Whisper, read magic, detect magic
1st Level Spell: Charm Person
(+1 Comprehend Languages +2 Identify)
(+3 2nd Lv Spell: Magic Mouth)

all weapons skilled with 20 shots of ammo if any, tool kits for skills, leather armour, hooded cloak, common robe, performing costume, instrument, scribe set, journal, wine skin, sacks, d6 days food, flints, hat, lantern, lamp oil 3d6x5gp

Friday, 7 December 2018

EMO Basick Rules: Sorcerers and Druids

Still some inconsistencies and rewrites will be happening still. Will start a book while im in sydney and make more uniform hopefully to play in new year. Think I will go back and replace previous cantrips that need 4 not three.

Another Spot Rule Unarmed Combat Damage
Same damage can be with a thrown rock

  • 1HP = Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Gnome, Bard, Outsider (Alien)
  • 1d2 = Cleric, Rogue, Elves, Tako, Mutant, Changeling
  • 1d3 = Fighter, Dwarf, Abhuman, Halflings, Giant, Robot (Golem), Mystic (Psion)
  • 1d4 = Monk
Summary of Taxable Land Units and Population
Hide is a area of farmland supporting a family 5 (2-10) typically over 30 acres
-Supports a family of five a well off extended family might control 2-5 hide
-supports a working ox or a meat cow a year or ten smaller animals like pigs and goats

-6 Hide support a poor noble family and a knight or equivalent
-12 Hide support a comfortable family
 and two knight or equivalent
-60 Hide support a rich noble family and ten knights or equivalent
-600 families per six mile hex on good irrigated land

-300 families per six mile hex of mediocre non floodplain land
-200 families per six mile hex of frontier woods and mountains
-100 herder families 
per six mile hex in wastes

A city surrounded by six rich farmland hexes could support 3600 people
More hexes of herdsmen around that could raise this again

Leveling Up & Followers & Land

At 5th Level and every 5th more +1 on a attribute
As of 6th level you get a follower per level and you can teach and train recruits
-a animal or pet possible with some classes
-a adventurer apprentice d4 Lv or a d4 zero level followers
-They go up a level when you do
At Tenth Level you are granted property
-d4 hides of land or common city blocks
-or a small merchant ship
-or take over a dungeon 
-can establish a school, tower, manor or castle
- some one wants you beholden to them


Prime Requisite: Charm; high score grants additional spells
d6HD/1 /
(Average 4)

Arms 2/4 Arts 4/2 Languages d4/2
No Armour
-4 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 6 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Crossbow Small d6+1, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Short Bow d6, shuriken d3
Start Equipment: narcotics, incense, mirror, fancy robes, costume jewelry, hookah or pipe, hooded cloak, common robe, 
wine skin, lamp, lamp oil, sack, d8 days good rations, flints, hat, scribe se
t, idol or medallion dedicated to source of power, 3d6x10gp
Prerequisite Charm Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd

Sorcerers Magical Abilities

Spell casting abilities made by pacts or sharing blood with supernatural beings
-May deal with entities when gaining new spells through visions
-four starring cantrips and one first level spell plus prerequisite bonus
-Gain a new spell each level and can swap a previous one
-Can cast any known spell known on the fly with spell energy
-Enter a trance, perform sacrifices, get high and dream for 8 hours once per day to recover spells

d6 Source of Pact

1 Born with blood line of planar beings blood is an inborn pact
2 Initiated into cult of a planar being entered a pact in a ritual with the master
3 Contacted by planar being when alone in trouble and made a pact
4 Contacted planar being in dreams and made a pact
5 Found book or script dedicated to planar being made contact then a pact
6 Met a familiar spirit or imp sent by a planar being who initiated the pact

1 Draconic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortsword, Short Bow
Arts - Dragon Lore, Bluff, Carousing, Numeracy
+1 Incendiary +2 Focus +3 Evil Eye
Typical Starting Spells

-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Spark, Candlelight
-First Level Magic Missile, Sleep, Burning Hands
-Second Level Fire Shuriken

Dragon scale or tooth or claw medallion, dragon tattoos, map to dragon lair
Minor reptilian or draconic mutation might be applicable also

2 Demonic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dart, Dagger
Arts - Occult Lore, Intimidate, Torture, Demonic Lore
+1 Alchemy +2 Black Powder+3 Handgun
Typical Starting Spells

-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Animate Smoke, Candlelight
-First Level Monster Summoning, Darkness, Burning Hands, 
-Second Level Stinking Cloud

Demon scale or tooth or claw medallion, demon tattoos, map to demon cult lair
Minor demonic or chaos mutation might be applicable also

3 Sepentine 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Small Sword, Shortbow
Arts - Occult Lore, Poison Lore, Disguise, Animal Handling
+1 Focus +2 Hypnosis +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells 

-Zero Level Sting, Smoke Puff, Sound, Whisper
-First Level Magic Missile,Fog Cloud, Mask
-Second Level Web

pet d4 snakes, snake tattoos, antivenom pill, book on dinosaurs in serpent folk glyphs
Minor reptilian mutation might be applicable also

4 Law Cult Cultist Subclass

Arms - Small Sword, Javelin
Arts - Holy Lore, First Aid, Numeracy, Scribe
+1 Focus +2 
Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Spark, Wizard Hand, Disrupt Dead, Candle Light
-First Level Magic Missile, Bless Weapon, Fiery Eyes
-Second Level Wizard Lock

Scale, hooded robe, sundial, medallion of law, 20m rope, donkey, tattoos of holy scriptures, book of law, manacles, crowbar, box of candles, scribe set
Minor holy or lawful mutation might be applicable also

5 Chaos 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Flail, Shuriken
Arts - Occult Lore, Looting, Poison Law, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 
Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Spark, Candle Snuff, Scare, Stun
-First Level Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Monster Summoning 1
-Second Level Smoking Form

Hooded robe, tattoos of chaos cult, book of chaos scriptures, sword
Minor chaos mutation might be applicable also

6 Diabolic 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Occult Lore, Bluff, Kingdom Lore, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 
Dodge +3 Critical Strike

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Coin, Whisper, Phantom Pen, Smoke Puff  
-First Level Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Charm Person
-Second Level Burning Sphere

Hooded robe, tattoos of devils names, book of hell, d4 references from corrupt officials
Minor diabolic mutation might be applicable also

7 Fire 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Elemental Lore, Incendiary, Alchemy, Black Powder
+1 Craft Fire +2 
Blacksmith +3 Handgun

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Ignite, Candle light, Snuff Light, Smoke Puff  
-First Level Burning Hands, Fiery Eyes, Magic Missile
-Second Level Fire Shuriken

Hooded robe, tattoos of fire elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, d4 incendiary potions, d4 smokebombs, string of d100 firecrackers
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also

8 Water Cultist Subclass
Arms - Javelin, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Swim, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Navigate +2 
Sailing +3 Trident

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Icicle, Snowball, Ink, Acid 
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Fog Cloud, Jump Like Frog
-Second Level Acid Arrow

Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also

9 Air Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortbow, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Whistle, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Bluff+2 Music 
+3 Shoot Into Melee

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Wind Gust, Fog Cloud, Whisper, Wizard Hand
-First Level Magic Missile, Feather Fall, Shocking Grasp
-Second Invisibility

Hooded robe, tattoos of air elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, kite, air bladder, instrument
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also

 Earth Cultist Subclass
Arms - Club, Hand Axe
Arts - Elemental Lore, Herbalist, First Aid, Farming
+1 Mining +2 Steward 
+3 Healing

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Dirt, Clean, Summon Tiny Animal, Grease
-First Level Mount, Floating Disc, spider Climb
-Second Bull Strength

Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also


Prime Requisite: Will; high score grants additional spells
d8HD/1 /
(Average 5)

Arms 3/3 Arts 4/2 Languages 2d4/2
Any light armour
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 4 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, Javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Spear d8, Sickle d4
Start Equipment: robes, d6 torches, 2d6 days preserved food, water skin, misstletoe, sickle, pot, flints, 6m rope
, bundle of firewood, tent, furs cloak, bedroll, 3d6x10sp
Prerequisite Will Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd

Holy Power: Animal Shapeshift
Change to and from a animal form once peer level per day
Limited to animals with HD equal to own level
One animal form can be chosen per level
At 4th level can use up to two attacks and one more every 4 more levels
-if animal has these potential number of attacks
Druids may learn animal languages

Druidic Spell Abilities

-can learn any spell of nature list through 8 hours of prayer once per day

Holy Druids - White Order Subclass
Act as healers and prophets in communities

Arms - Staff, club, dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Herbalism, First Aid, Healing
+1 Divination +2 Astrology +3 

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Sting, Healing Berry, Predict Weather,
-First Level Good Berry, Predict Weather, Fog Cloud
-Second Level Reflecting Pool

White robes, d4 healing potion, d3 healing herb, bandages, surgeons tools, gold torc and jewelry worth 3d6x5gp

Beast Druids - Brown Order Subclass
Work with wild animals 

Arms - spar, club, sling
Arts - Natural Lore, Beast Lore, Beast Handling, Beast Training
+1 Mimic Bast +2  Listen +3 Track

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Charm Vermin, Sting, Detect Animal, Conjure Vermin
-First Level Beast Summoning 1, Beast Speech, Charm Beast, Bless Fang
-Second Level 
Beast Summoning 2
Brown robes, d6 days animal feed, small pet d4 1=dog 2=goat 3=pig 4=deer, tiny pet d4 1=finch 2=squirrel 3=ferret 4=toad, beast mask, beast figurine

3 Blood Druids - Red Order Subclass
Blood letting aggressive defenders of wilderness
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Sacrifice, Butchery,
+1 Brawling +2  Weapon Expert +3 
Critical Hit

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Ignite, Sting, Trumpet
-First Level Good Berry, Produce Flame, Cause Fear, Elemental Burst
-Second Level Flame Blade

Red robes, bottle of blood, skin of wine, various exotic knives, wicker doll

4 Dark Druids - Black Order Subclass

Act as funery rite specialists and dealing with death
Arms - Spear, Short Sword, Club
Arts - Natural Lore, Occult Lore, Mortician, Poison Lore

+1 Scythe +2 Trap Lore +3 Weapon Expert 
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Scare, Sting, Trumpet, Ceremony
-First Level Cause Fear, Natures Secrets, Fog Cloud
-Second Level 
Dust Devil

Black robes, human skull, hourglass, scythe, sickle

5 Wood 
Druids - Green Order Subclass
Work with vegetation and wild plants
Arms - Spear, Sickle, javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Plant Lore, Herbalist, First Aid

+1 Farming +2 Healing +3 Poison Lore 

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Sprout, Healing Berry, Fire Berry
-First Level Good Berry, Barkskin, Entangle
-Second Level 
Wood Servant

Green robes, bag of seeds, tiny potted plant, sickle

6 Stone Druids - Grey Order Subclass
Perform rituals in deep caverns

Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Climb, Swim

+1 Herbalist +2 Blind Fighting +3 Beast Handling

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Flare, Ignite, Magic Mushroom
-First Level Spider Climb. Swim Like Fish, Faerie Fire
-Second Level 
Stone Servant

Grey robes, bag of dried mushrooms, 12m rope, d4 cave maps

7 Shore Druids - Blue Order Subclass
Serve coastlines and waters

Arms - Spear (or trident), Dagger, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Sailing 

+1 +2 Navigation +3 Hold Breath
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Gust of Wind, Detect Animal
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Create Water, Elemental Burst
-Second Level 
Warp Wood
Blue robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, hide boat with sail

8 Desert Druids - Yellow Order Subclass
Serve dry and batten wastelands

Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Whip
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Beast Handling, Endurance

+1 Hold Breath +2 Survival +3 Scout
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Animate Smoke, Purify Food & Water
-First Level Create Water, Elemental Burst, Run Like the Wind
-Second Level 
Dust Devil

Yellow robes, d4 maps, 12L urn of water, 4L waterskin, donkey or camel

9 Swamp Druids - Ochre Order Subclass

Serve marshes and wetlands
Arms - Spear, Dart, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Weaving

+1 Sailing +2 Poison Lore +3 Herbalism
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Predict Weather, Detect Poison, Detect Disease, Sting
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Venom Bite
-Second Level Summon Swarm

Ochre robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, reed raft, pet frog, bundle of reeds

10 Chaos Druids - Bile Order Subclass
Aid mutants and chaos hordes

Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Chaos Lore, Poison Lore, Disease Lore

+1 Survival +2 Track +3 Run Away  
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Animate Smoke, Scare, Sting
-First Level Alarm, Bless Weapon, Jump Like Frog, Fog Cloud,
-Second Level Fortifying Stew 
Bile robes, maps of chaos holy place, potion of lesser mutation, maggot ridden d4 days of food

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Back to BX, revising house rules

Writing up my basic rules again, hopefully simpler and more streamlined.
Want to provide 4 example characters of each class and race - exemplars or reskins
Idea is to show basic builds with the system and will do splatbooks with more later on just like real companies did. Should help new players get a character going fast which was a problem of my over the top skill lists.

these used these charts I will update- good for about 5 years of play
started shaving off unused parts of the rules

Some ideas to play with stats and uses for them too

DEX for MOV in Inches? or perhaps 1/2 DEX and STR & CON bonus?
STR adds damage to everything and DEX adds to hit for everything period
INT adds extra proficiency slots and can buy stuff outside your class or race
WIS gives you points you can reroll stuff with - thieves get a extra point per LV
CHA gives you comand radius, Morale Bonus and bonus flunkies, friends, lovers or pets
STR became the dump stat from doing all this in game

So Here Are Ideas for BX clases with sub types and reskins Im thinking of
I stupidly do everything in fours for some brain damaged reason
I can do spreads with one page class description
then one page with 4 sample characters for quick ideas
Mysteriously planet Psychon accommodated by this version...

Fighter (combat skill experts)
-knight, noble cavalrymen of high status
-yeoman, land owning rich farmer longbowmen
-gladiator, former slave or pit fighter has won freedom
-mercenary, soldier for hire belonging to a companyPossibly do marines, vikings, charioteers, scouts, etc

Cleric (divine magic worshippers)
-Inquisitor, hunts werewolves, witches, demons and unlawful spell casters
-Templar, warrior monk order guards pilgrims and holy places
-Hospitalar, military medics, healers and hospital defenders
-Friar, independant wandering rural poor preachers who maintain country shrines
Possibly do seperate cults and religions or evil, good and neutral priests

Theif (commerce skill experts)
-Assassin, specialize in murdering enemies and subterfuge
-Sailor, travellers on the sea who work ships and skills of the sea
-Charlatan, grifters, grubby merchants, schemers
-Bandit, sneaky outdoor scouts who live off the land
Possibly do beggars, bounty hunters, spy, jailer, jester, acrobat, merchant, etc

Wizard (arcane magic scholars)
-Necromancer, call on the powers of life, death and the underworld
-Elementalist, call creatures and powers of the elemental inner planes
-Summoner, call creatures and powers of the outer planar powers
-Enchanter, mostly make magic items and mind control to make money

Possibly do seperate elements and plane specialists etc

So the Secondary Classes I use
im less set on these

Monk (skill specialist artisans)
-Duelist, professional fighter or champion for hire
-Master, expert in a exotic fighting school style
-Executioner, profesional killer for society and state
-Sentinel, specialist guardians and security experts

Druid (Druidic Magic Worshipers)
-Green Robes, specialize if forestry and vegetation
-Brown Robes, specialize in animals and beastmen
-Black Robes, call on powers of death and make monsters to war on man
-Red Robes, specialize in bloody sacrifice and murder to cull man

Bard (Magical Diplomat Performers)
-Skald, barbarian poets and lore keepers
-Harlot (Rake), courtesans specialize in carnal arts
-Troubadour, idealistic mystic poets out to preach new heracies
-Mesmerist, master of confidence scams and mind control tricks for money

Possibly do other schools, sheppard, philosophers, rune masters etc

Sorcerer (Arcane Hedonist Cultists)
-Dracologist, carry taint of the draconic races
-Occultist, hidden worshipers of alien entities, outre gods or the old ones cults
-Somnambulist, dream travelling masters of illusion
-Demonologist, use demon patron granted power

Possibly do diabolists, chaos cults, angel sects, etc

Non Human Classes
Dwarf (greedy, squat, fighting folk)
-Morlock, dark dwarves, evil cannibalistic dwarves
-Mountain Dwarf, warrior dwarf culture
-Forest Dwarf, tree dwelling forest dwarves

-Tunnel Troll, short fighting trolls
Possibly do some other dwarves like the god Bes or Pygmies

Elf (magical kin to the gods) 
-Celestial or high elf mostly use priest magic, star travellers
-Sylvan or wood elf mostly use druid magic, forest wardens
-Magi or grey elves mostly use wizardry, obsessed occultists
-Eldren or planar elves mostly us Mentalism, dreamy hedonists
Possibly do bone elves, cave elves, arkane trolls, tieflings, etc

Halfling (small surprising explorers)
-Shireman, pleasure loving villager, all set for nice adventures
-Scout, sneaky forest patrolmen who protect their sedentary kin
-goblin, slimy repulsive goblins can be built reskining halflings
-Hedge Troll, short mostly harmless sneaky trolls

Possibly do tiny beast folk or mushroom folk

Gnome  (small magical nature folk)
-Black Cap, nasty selfish greedy gnomes, use evil priest spells
-Green Cap, like animals and nature and keep pets and druidry
-Grey Cap, like technology, steam automatons, guns and mechanisms
-Red Cap, nasty bandits who steal and dip hats in bloodPossibly do kobolds, hill trolls, blue caps, etc

My secondary Races

i could just do less here or do all the secondary classes and races later...
Or extra abhumans and changelings and only one giant and octopi type

Abhumans (Magical Human Hybrids)
-goatman, wild forest and mountain dwelling warriors
-mushroomman, fungus fleshed peaceful humanoids
-barbarian, huge primitive humans of the wilds
-great orc, huge orc human ogre hybrids

Possibly do icemen, magmamen, other animals, etc

Changelings (Magical Spirit Folk) 
-diabolic, devilkin shapeshifter
-angelic, angelkin shapeshifter
-cat spirit, animal spirit
-tree spirit, nature spirit 

Possibly do other nature, planar, elemental and animal spirits etc

Giant (gigantic humanoid monsters)
-chaos spawn, mutated monster freaks
-cyclops savage, cave dwelling shepherds
-ogre, brutish bandit monsters
-great troll, huge war beasts

Tako (cowardly magical octopus fairies)
-squid, sneaky skullduggery experts
-ammonite, wise scholarly elders
-nautilus, armoured dueling masters
-octopi, cowardly wizard creatures

One Day Maybe

-Paladin, Ranger, Shaman, Mystic
-Alchemist, Witch, Berserker, Warlock 

- long wanted to do a alchemist class who make living things

My SF Addons would be

-Psionic, Robot, Cyborg, Mutant
-Might be good in Planet Psychon with Robot Spell lists and mutations